After hiking on Saturday 12/5 in the White Mountains - Laura Waterman in Gorham

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Oh, so sorry to be missing this, we just finished up at Appalachia and wanted to head back to someplace warm and dry.

I'm very interested in reading her new book, what an interesting life she has lead.
I did have good intents to make this event the other night and while late my intentions were still good until i hit Jackson area on 16 where the roads were civered with greased covered at weird angles up by Pinhkam corner there..a nd a line of cars afraid to go down past Wildcat..No doubt it was greasy and the roads were bad but was ridiculous.. Took 1:30 minutes from Glen to Gorham..when I passed the Cafe the place looked fully engrossed with the way I would intrude.. Ended up at Mr Pizza in a lively discussion about hikers and closing down the mountains for the winter..we ended up having a fine time and a couple of beers butthey did have some well made ppints about unprepared hukers..Dang it..I have several of their books and was hoping to get them signed..sorry to have missed this what looked to be an interesting evening