An electrifying hike on Mooselauke

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Feb 2, 2005
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N44.55162 W70.32107
Since I have spent 11 of the last 13 days heavy hiking in the Whites with a visitor from VA I haven't had time to post this earlier, but here goes. Last Friday we hiked up the Beaver Brook trail over the Moose intending to come out the Gorge Brook trail to a car at Ravine Lodge. Just before leaving the treeline a big thunder storm came over us with sleet, rain and thunder. We retreated back down to the Benton trail intersection and smaller trees. Packs off, we were standing just off the trail when "BANG" a ball of fire exploded near our feet and we found ourselves on out butts with our feet numb and buzzing. After our feet woke up we stood back up and waited for the storm to pass, which it did rather rapidly. We continued up the trail toward the summit and found an area about 50 yards from where we were standing that had been all plowed up and a Spruce tree shattered from top to bottom. Splinters and detritus were sprayed everywhere.

I though it was wicked fun, but the young lady with me was not especially thrilled to be so near death.

We finished the hike about six PM and enjoyed a nice hot cup of coffee at the Ravine Lodge and drove back to Wentworth.
Wow. I think I agree with both of you ... after the "shock" wore off, I'd find it a fun memory, but at the same time I'm very relieved that you're both okay, especially since lightning can really mess up a human body!

This is a great reminder about ground flashover effects, and why you stay on your feet, even when crouched, and don't just get flat on the ground, when hiding from a storm.
I was waiting for you to post this. It didn't look like you were slowed down on Carrigain on Saturday, so it looks like no lasting effects. Did you get any photos of the shattered tree?

Man, glad you two are OK - that is pretty scary stuff - I ahve been in a couple of pretty big ones, but never so on top of us...nothing can motivate you to move quicker than the thought of death.