Anyone been injured on the trail?

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Nothing serious, but I've injured my ankles many times. They're a mess because years ago I used to go "bushwhack jogging" in the (then trailless) woods behind my house. Countless sprains (and one fracture) later, I find that my ankles roll if I look at them funny.

In fact, I did it again last week on The Horn. Twice. Thankfully it was an easy walk downhill back to the car.

The worst was probably when I did a big loop around all of the peaks surrounding Greylock in MA. I rolled my ankle literally at the halfway point of the loop. Aborting and backtracking would have been harder since I would have had to climb out of the Hopper to reach my car, so I just pushed on for the last 7 or 8 miles in the rain. My ankle was about the size of a grapefruit when I took my boot off.
I've told this story before on here, but it has a good reference here:

Several years ago, I was coming down the Owl's Head slide when some scree let loose. I soon found myself tumbling down a rather steep sleep head over heels, coming to a stop on a little ledge with another 20' drop-off below me. I laid there for a second, taking stock to see what (not if) was broken. My dog soon showed up and licked my face, ensuring I was ok. I bagged up thumb and a little cut on the head was it. I was really lucky.

As I laid there for those few moments trying to gather my chickens, all I could think was "how the hell is my mother (then about 60) going to cart my butt 8 miles out of here". Glad she didn't need to.

I had my back go out in the Kilkenny Range. That is a freakin' long way out when you have a 50lb pack full of gear, and you can't lift it off the ground. Once it was on my back, actually, it was OK. Getting it there required a bit of creativity.

Several turned ankles and banged knees, but nothing that a few minutes of a break didn't cure.
Has anyone gotten out to say Times square, and worried about getting back because of injury?

HAHAHAHAHAHA funny you say this. About 5 years ago we attempted all 3 and only made 2. On my way back down from Couch a tree branch that everyone and their grandfathers used broke on me. I fell backwards about 30 feet before the thick spruces caught me from rolling any farther.

Needless to say when we reached Times Square we said screw it to Sant and headed back to the lean-to. My knee was pretty banged up :mad: