Coos Grand Bikepacking Loop Event

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Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
This sort of event popped up in the last week of so

Kind of obvious that they are trying to stay under the radar or calling it an event. Notice the comment "not get hamstrung by our overly litigious society" in my opinion means set it up so no one can sue anyone if they participate and get hurt which is generally well intentioned, but pretty well excludes any hint of commercial ties, no entry fees or sponsorships. Lot to be said for that approach but if it catches on its hard to resist the temptation.
This sort of event popped up in the last week of so

Kind of obvious that they are trying to stay under the radar or calling it an event. Notice the comment "not get hamstrung by our overly litigious society" in my opinion means set it up so no one can sue anyone if they participate and get hurt which is generally well intentioned, but pretty well excludes any hint of commercial ties, no entry fees or sponsorships. Lot to be said for that approach but if it catches on its hard to resist the temptation.

I don't think anyone is trying to call it an event. That's a stretch. It's a challenge and an adventure organized by a group of enthusiasts. The effort seems to be geared more toward a healthy and properly socially distanced experience considering the times. Not to mention it may bring some commerce to the surrounding area. Kudos to the group whom initiated the effort. Great idea!
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While I'm not a fan of the comment, "not get hamstrung by our overly litigious society", I wish him well. I see few people bikepacking, less then when I used to vacation on Cape Cod, and while it looks idealistic to those on the fringe of biking that love hiking. In CT, most bicyclist are all in their bike gear looking like uniforms and riding for speed and distance.

It's not a ride for the faint of heart and the inexperienced. I'm guessing assistance is either not available or possibly not reachable in some places. Thinking there won't be a chase vehicle like you would have in a race. He's hoping to generate some commerce and if I was to guess meet some kindred spirits. Once upon a time, we did some VFTT events to meet kindred spirits. Now the woods are overflowing with those kindred spirits.
There is or was a big endurance bike event that predominantly Canadian riders were doing in the region for several years but I think they stuck to roads? It was quite a large group in the hundreds that had organized break spots and crash vans. Those that are denizens of Facebook have a far better chance of reading between the lines than I do ;) on this event. The problem is GPX files can be handed around so even though the individuals who sign up have the skills and ability, it does not preclude the GPX file ending up with someone who is relatively clueless. They may head out at a later date and get in trouble days or weeks after the main participants have gone away. Ground level cell coverage north of RT2 is still very limited so someone stuck in the woods may wait a long time to get help unless they have something with satellite capability.

The hassle with setting up any event is anticipating what you hope doesn't happen. It appears as though there may be a mass start in Gorham but then again its represented as only a suggestion. Hopefully they have verified that they have the rights to travel the roads and paths they have selected. Some landowners do not actively keep gates shut but may close and lock them if they think there is organized activity that they want to discourage. Many owners require proof of liability insurance for organized events. NH has strong recreational liability rules but I am not sure if they apply to organized events. Registration of ATVs and snowmachines include additional liability coverage for landowners. Obviously the organizers have attempted for it not to be an organized event but generally if something goes bad someone wants to sue even though they signed in blood that they would not.

A landowner issue happened several years ago during the Northern Pass controversy where several local "celebrities" got locked behind gates and prosecuted for trespassing by Bayroot on roads that for years had normally been open to the public. The most extreme example was the IAT in Maine long ago. The founder developed and published detailed trail routes without checking with the landowners on the route including BSP. BSP did not appreciate that, closed a trail and locked them out of the park and when a temporary connector route was developed, the park eventually closed that trail. If you look on the maps today the official start is in the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument with no access to Katahdin. I think someone was attempting to set up a route around the southern border of the park but I am not sure if it ever was started or completed. The founder of the Coos trail burned a lot of bridges with various organizations due to his "if you build it they will come approach". If you notice the CT are still person non grata on national forest lands.
If the population at Old Orchard Beach is any indication, I would say yes. Its a different population there without all the speedos and black socks in sandals walking around. I would guess the tourists that are there are from the New York area more than Canada.
Yes still closed until the end of September and reportedly plenty of Canadian folks willing to harass those with American plates. The Canadian dollar is down at 76 cents which means driving across the border to the US is expensive which puts a damper on Canadian tourists. No doubt if the border was open Americans would be heading north due to the exchange rates and lower Covid numbers.
Reading the Daily Sun article I started to recognize the writing style and tone of the author. Checking the facebook page confirms (Do you know where that banner image is from in Nash Stream?).
The "organizer" is a very active bike trail development/maintainer volunteer who I have had to help with securing permits for mt. bike events on state lands in the past. One permit application was written very much the same almost as a recipe- it was fine- I knew what he meant. Part of a large loosely affiliated coalition of North Country outdoors active people that works to keep people excited and provide/encourage access to biking and fun events.
Permit process' can be very frustrating and I have had to explain point by point what activities require this and that and what does not- I can see in his writing this is a blaring invitation to independently do the things that don't require permits.
I'm retired now and not involved at all with this, but always very much appreciated this persons efforts.
This sort of event popped up in the last week of so

Kind of obvious that they are trying to stay under the radar or calling it an event. Notice the comment "not get hamstrung by our overly litigious society" in my opinion means set it up so no one can sue anyone if they participate and get hurt which is generally well intentioned, but pretty well excludes any hint of commercial ties, no entry fees or sponsorships. Lot to be said for that approach but if it catches on its hard to resist the temptation.

Something tells me Dartmouth is not going to like a major (potentially overnight) bike race running through their property right now. Camping has always been verboten and all cabins are currently closed; researchers and loggers on the property are required to wear masks and do daily health checks.