Couchsachraga for Grace

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Sep 19, 2003
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Portland Avatar: Eati
The Couchsachraga hike was a fun way to get back to the Santanoni Range. I like to complain when I hike, and this hikes provides many opportunities to complain…..Especially when you hike with Toe Cozy and Ketch-Up.(my stupid brother.)

The original plan was to day hike these summits and not hike with jerks. Then it became a backpack. And then I was going to hike with a friend of Tmax’s (which got lost in email and voicemail tag.)..And then Toe Cozy put her watermelon head in the hike. Well, at least she has a water filter that isn’t broken….so I guess that is her only saving Grace. And this hike was about Grace.

I drove rom Maine to Connecticut…As it is the most indirect route to go to the Adirondacks. The next day my brother and I arrive at the Santanoni trailhead at exactly 2:09 pm and 37 seconds on time. Toe Cozy was just really early, and we were not late. I kind of packed like an idiot…well more like a JayH. The bear cannister was bulky, and not too welcome. The stroll up too Bradley Pond was hot and humid. Great conditions to complain, so that made me happy. The mud kind of disappointed me, as it wasn’t deep or wide enough for someone to take a face digger or anything though. Someone did ditch some brewskis in the trail. A lightweight backpacker would use vodka or something else.

Reaching the 3300 foot campsite was at hand. When pumping water I got to see the algae growing in my camel back hose that made me question if I would drop dead the next day from some toxin. Always cool to ponder as you go to sleep.

We met the Panther and Santanoni Grace hikers at night and in the morning. The next day was suppose to clear up, and it did upon reaching the trailhead at the end of the hike. The hike up to Herald Square was not that bad with a backpack, and the jump over to Panther was quite easy. Times Square was cleaned up with no more peep shows, so that New York mayor is really doing a great job, since I was there a couple years ago.

The trip over to Couchie we dropped the packs. The descent was like where is the col? I never had a hike with false cols before.

Blah blah blah.. And this is to celebrate Grace’s 70th anniversary. I put out the triple word score sign, and let Grace’s voice be heard on the summit. I never got to correspond with Grace with a letter so Scrabble letters would have to do.

By this time we were all soaked from the wet branches. I think Grace would appreciate this.

Blah Blah Blah, back at Times Square. I bought a knock off Kelty Pack from someone selling them out of the back of a leanto. Blah Blah over to Santanoni. I was bummed the Santanoni sign had spell check from the last time I was there. I like things spelled wong...wrong.

I really didn’t see the New/Old trail over there as I was sucking wind and complaining. After three groups looked hard for it at the summit, we gave up. Well, it was found not at the summit. Blah Blah Blah. Ketch-Up and Toe Cozy are still pissing me off, and then we are done hiking.

We didn’t get up to the whispering pines campground… 1. It was out of the way, and 2. It was out of the way. Grace helped me have some dismal wilderness to share and complain about.
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Great job Sponge.......... we added you to the confirmed finish list once the Sant/Panther group reported your sighting in the range :D

I'll put a list this fine report to the growing LIST .

Thanks to all of you for making the long trek on over and joining us in the celebration for Grace.
1ADAM12 said:
You missed a good party at the campground and at the Brew Pub. I am sorry you guys did not make it but a big thanks for helping this day come together on Couchy :)
Be glad he was not there! :eek: :D
Dirty is fun!

I don't really have a watermelon head, I think Spongebob just has something wrong with his eyes. This was only my second venture into the Adirondacks and it was really a great time. Although it obviously wasn't as muddy as it could have been, it was muddy enough for me to still have dirt under my fingernails today! I loved it! The woods were really peaceful in the fog and mist. I enjoyed hearing Grace's 90 year old voice telling stories about the mountains so it was cool that Spongebob brought that stupid tape thing and the scrabble letters were fun even though he kept trying to set up the scrabble letters in the animal scat. Ew. The clouds started to lift just a little bit to give us a peek of a view as we descended the Old New Trail or new old trail or the trail that no one could find for half an hour. That view was real purty.

Did anyone else get to enjoy the huge moon rising into the purple/blue twilight sky? Beautiful.
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Dude, the video ROCKS. Hope you don't mind if I provide a link to it.

Seriously, the coolest think of the hike I think so far.
Nice meeting you SpongeBob, Toe Cozy and Ketchup !
We returned from Santanoni and saw your stuff was still in Times Square. Then we went to Panther and when we came back you had passed through !
Did you guys see Pin-Pin glide through ?
una_dogger said:
Sheesh, how could you take her to Couchie in the rain for her second Daks hike?? ;)

It's definitely a good one to get out of the way!!! I dreaded it so I waited until the end to do it.
Toe Cozy said:
Actually, I loved it. Must have been the great company. :rolleyes:

Ha ha, Toe Cozy, I was just kidding. It *IS* a good idea to get the more obscure ones out of the way first if you are planning on becoming a 46er.

That said, Adventurous, you know my weekend plans include both *Allen* and the Sants!
