Country lawyer wanted

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Newton, MA
There seem to be a few lawyers on this website and, despite whatever I say about lawyers, I do admire that we seem to have a common interest in conservation as well as outdoor recreation. ;) I have been looking at rural real estate in the southern foothils of the White Mountains of New Hampshire and would appreciate a referral. If you are a real estate lawyer with knowledge of conservation easments, or know of one, please let me know here or by PM.

One property I am particularly interested in does have a public recreation easment, controlled at the owner's discretion, and as one with a "this land is your land this land is my land" attitude, I would support some passive public access. There would be other issues related to forest management, viewsheds etc. and I need counsel from NH.

Has anyone here bought land on the fringes of the Whites and lived to tell about it :eek: Seriously, I'd be interested in hearing of others' experiences whether it was a primary home or getaway.
Although there are aspects of this topic that might approach third-rail status, I would encourage keeping this thread from being shut down; could be good stuff!

I could definitely find the right person for this job. There are certain inn- & shop-keepers (and others) in the various communities who I'm sure know the wheat and the chaff. I can think specifically of who I would start with and would look for corroborating or other evidence from the next people down the list. I'd also ask each one who else I should ask. Of course, the answer would vary depending on the location, location, location! ;)

Lastly, I'm kind of in the business down here on the coastal plain and could jump in more directly if you need (pm and I'll tell you who I'm thinking of).

So no, I don't have exactly the right name in my rolodex that I can provide, but there are a couple of people whose likelihood to know make them stand out far beyond anyone else.


Good luck. :)


ps: Didn't we meet VftT-style at Black Mountain Cabin several years back? Cheers!
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One property I am particularly interested in does have a public recreation easment, controlled at the owner's discretion, and as one with a "this land is your land this land is my land" attitude, I would support some passive public access. There would be other issues related to forest management, viewsheds etc. and I need counsel from NH.
I would start with talking to the easement holder/enforcer, their attitude may be as important as the actual wording