Do those in ME have a sense of humor?

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
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H: Allegany County, NY A: The Brothers
I just ran into this and thought I'd share it. This is only for grins...

You live in Maine where...

1. You only have four spices: salt, pepper, ketchup, and Tabasco.
2. Halloween costumes fit over parkas.
3. Sexy lingerie is anything flannel with less than eight buttons.
4. The four seasons are: winter, still winter, almost winter, and
and my favorite...
5. You have more than one recipe for moose.
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I was just reading this with my wife/cousin, and we did not find this funny at all. So what if our family tree doesn't have any branches?

Alright, none of the above was true. But when did Jeff Foxworthy do that list?
king tut said:
I was just reading this with my wife/cousin, and we did not find this funny at all. So what if our family tree doesn't have any branches?

Alright, none of the above was true. But when did Jeff Foxworthy do that list?

King Tut,

I had to do a double take on your reply, but anyhow your humor was all good :)

So what's funny about that list? It's all true, except for the seasons. The real ones are summer (1 week), potato picking, hunting, winter (35 weeks) and mud.

The last year I went trick-or-treating, there were 3 foot snowbanks on the sides of the roads. No kidding.

And who would have only one recipe for moose, anyway?????

As for the lingerie, 8 buttons are too many to undo when it's -15 in the bedroom!

So will you please pass the Tabasco?
How do you compliment a woman from Maine?

Nice tooth, ma'am!
Some funny stuff here and it reminded me of a hiking story. A friend had given me a tee shirt with the script on it saying, Been to Maine ayah. Most likely as a result of my constant raving about how great my hike across the 100 mile wilderness was. I was wearing said shirt on a sunny day as I was happily descending Mt Fremont in the Cascades. A solo hiker was climbing toward me I smiled and said hi. If looks could kill I would have fallen over from his stare. Pure anger as he did not respond and brushed past me on his uphill trek. A moment after he passed I heard him yell "I didn't know, sorry" My quizzical gaze prodded him to point to my pack. "An M.A.T.C. patch, didn't know you were a Maniac." It was then I noticed he also had an M.A.T.C. patch. He thought I was insulting Maine and was insensed until he saw the patch. We had a good laugh over that. Who would a thunk I'd meet another M.A.T.C. member 3000 miles from Katahdin.
I only have one Maine joke and here it is.

How do you know the toothbrush was invented in Maine?

Because if it was invented anywhere else, it would be called a teethbrush. :D
Don't forget about the official house color in Maine:

Typar Gray

You've all heard of double-wides - as in mobile homes.

well, several miles from here (just far enough to not reflect on me :D ) there is a double tall! Yup, it's two trailers stacked vertically. Apparently this family believes in stacking bunkbeds more than 3 high...

We may be Maine, but we'll never be the South.....

How true!

spencer said:
We may be Maine, but we'll never be the South.....

I moved from NH to Raleigh, NC almost 10 years ago. Nothing astounds me anymore. See the attached image for an example.
Don't forget about the Buckfield that is the place to do all your shopping!

I can't believe your initial post mentioned nothing about black flies.


In my experience the seasons are:

Winter, Still Winter, Black Flies, Almost Winter

Down East

"Wellllll, had ta shoot m'dawg tidday."

"Oh, were he mad?"

"Guess he wahn't too damn pleased."

I could bring my collection of "Bert and I" records to the Maine gathering if there's a record player (a what?) available.

^MtnMike^ said:
Oldie but a goodie:

Computer Terms in Maine
Monitor - Keep an eye on that wood stove.
^MtnMike^, you must be from away. Dontcha know a "Monitor" is one of them kerosene heaters? Or as we would say in the True North (not central Maine where Nadine and Spencer live), "one of doze kerosene 'eaters, dare."
Actual weather forecast in Maine: "Might rain, might not."

Sign in Kittery, Maine: "Welcome to Maine" "Closes at 8 pm"
My wife was born in Maine and it took me years to convince her that when one buys a new washer, dryer, refrigerator, car, or whatnot, the old one does not then become a lawn ornament.
..."Nine months of winta...then theya's mud season..damn poor sleddin'"

"plenty bugs on this trip.." A good day on the water in Maine..

Only in Maine would you see a water skier in a full wetsuit being pulled by a lobster boat.

I love Maine! :D
Two hot air balloonists get disoriented floating across Maine and yell down to a farmer mowing his hay, "Where the hell are we?"

"Yer in a balloon ya damn fools!"

Need some help from Bert and Teejay on this one but there's one story about a couple of lost tourists giving a farmer a hard time over their frustration with Maine roads and the stupidity of his directions and finally the punchline, "Well, I ain't the ones that's lost!"

:D :D