Flowed Lands - Livingston Point question


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Doc McPeak

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Sep 3, 2003
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saratoga springs Avatar: Spring has sprung ... ju
Is anyone familiar with this area in various wet vs. dry states?

If staying at Livingston Point, can one navigate the eastern side of Flowed Lands to get to the Colden Dam area, and Feldspar Brook Trail? Does the amount of water (say wet and high water conditions) in the FL determine whether this is still possible, or difficult to impassable?

And are there spots where one could cross the Opalescent near the confluence with Herbert Brook, instead of going across at the dam?

I have only been around the eastern side when it is the Frozen Lands.

A few years ago me and 3 other chaps did the direct approach to Cliff mountain We navigated the eastern side of flowed lands until we reached the brook feeding next to livingston pond. The conditions went from dry to damp to log-hopping pretty pretty quickly. The woods surrounding the swampy area are riddled with "cripple brush" ie small pines with larger pines above. Would be quicker to hit feldpar via the western trail, but the view of flowed lands from the east is compelling.

I have been around that way sevral times. Most of the time when it was dryer. The ground is somewhat squishy but it will support your weight with miniml sinking. Just wear a good pair of boots and you will be all set. You don't have to cross the Opelesant from there so even if its flowing higher than usual it won't be a problem. After you get to the North end follow the pebble beach west. There are several paths through there but I have found it is best to find the river then follow that north. You should end up on a trail that brings you past the lean-to's on that side of the river at Colden Dam.

I walked that route perhaps 10 years ago, the edge of Flowed Lands was too soft to walk along so we went up on higher ground. We had full packs and I lost some of the edges of my blue pad to the trees, but it was a very manageable walk through the woods.

The Opalescent was easily crossed in early August of this year right in front of the Opalescent lean-to, which is pretty close to the Herbert Brook herd path.
It was 2 septembers ago. Keep in mind, much of the area was devistated by blow-down following Floyd, which I think was in 1996. 10 years ago? Gotta ask if you visited the area before or after the hurricane.

Thanks for the scoops, everyone!

I have seen people walking on the far side of Flowed Lands before, but haven't been over there myself in summer. The idea is not to head toward the Cliff drainage, but straight north, across the meadow/marsh similar to what bachand describes. Since I'm staying at the Lean-to, I'll have either my crocs, or probably my Tevas, and can use them if I feel it is needed. I should be there early afternoon with plenty of time to scout the following days trip across.

Good to know about the Opalescent crossing. Marshall is the day after Redfield.

I'll post a follow-up here when I return as to how the route is.
10 years ago? Gotta ask if you visited the area before or after the hurricane.
Don't know for certain, but I'm guessing it was before Floyd.
Livingston Point

Yeah, once two of did edge along the east side of the Flowed Lands and hooked up with the trail. It was ok, but then it was late summer and probably drier then it is now. There was a faint footpath as I am not sure that we are the only genius' to come up with this idea. ;) I also saw fresh bear scat with power bar wrappers in it. :eek: Cheers!