Forest & Crag--New Edition Available!

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Jun 23, 2005
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New England
Laura & Guy Waterman's epic and exhaustive history of hiking in the Northeast, Forest & Crag, is now available in a new Kindle e-book edition, published by the Green Mountain Club. Laura Waterman provided a new preface, according to the announcement in the Summer 2011 edition of the Long Trail News.

This is outstanding news, though I do hope that someone will reprint the bound version for the sake of future generations of readers.
Ah, so the only difference is it's in a new format (electronic vs. print) and with a new preface. For a second I thought she'd completely redone the book.

I wasn't aware that it's no longer in print- I found a new print copy for sale a couple of years ago in a grocery store in Speculator, NY.
I saw this in the latest Long Trail News as well, and it makes me very happy. I'm a little surprised they haven't made more of a big deal of it... Last I checked it wasn't mentioned on the GMC website. Great news, though, especially since used copies on amazon were starting to look a little outrageous price-wise. Kudos to the GMC for this one!
Ah, so the only difference is it's in a new format (electronic vs. print) and with a new preface. For a second I thought she'd completely redone the book.

If I understand things correctly you don't even get the origional format as is. I hear Kindle versions of books do not contain any illustrations or pictures (one of the biggest gripes about e-readers I think). Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

If I understand things correctly you don't even get the origional format as is. I hear Kindle versions of books do not contain any illustrations or pictures (one of the biggest gripes about e-readers I think). Someone please correct me if I am wrong.


I did a quick search and came up with these sites:

It sounds like the answer is that some kindle ebooks include the pictures, some do not, and it's frustratingly impossible to tell if a book includes pictures before you buy it. :( Although it sounds like you can return ebooks for a full refund within 7 days of when you purchase them.
I see a number of maps interspersed with the text, labeled as Figure 1.1, etc…

Is there a particular illustration you want me to check?

Note that while Kindle itself is only black, white, and grey shades, you can get the Kindle application for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, or PC, all in color. Your library is available on all those devices. Thus anything you can't see clearly on a handheld you can view on a larger screen, if needed or desired.