Global Cooling

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By my calculations, and based on recent years' opening dates, the lifts should be turning at Bretton Woods in either 59 or 66 days. Time to start sorting the gear...
Snow, lots of snow is good.

The only problem I have with the Farmer's almanac is that it comes out in the fall. I buy it as soon as it comes out. My wife gets upset becouse I ruined her Christmas stocking stuffer idea for me.
Paleoclimatologists believe their is evidence of abrupt climate change in ice cores and ocean sediments in the not too distant past.

There is concern that instead of gradually heating up the world climate will "flicker" back and forth as it warms. Apparently, there is a possibility that the Gulf Stream could shut down (Thermohaline circulation or the heat conveyor belt).

The Gulf stream is 60 miles wide and 3000 feet deep and it chugs along at 6 knots. It delivers massive amounts of heat to the northern latitudes. With increasing melting of glaciers and ice caps the added fresh water could be enough to dilute the sea water thereby reducing its salinity and its density. It's the reduced density which could shut down the thermohaline circulation which would reap havoc on lives and economies in the northern latitudes.

An internet search will bring up documents outlining various strategies for reinforcing homeland security in the advent of abrupt climate cooling.
Did you have to pay extra to get an advanced degree in meteorogy? I was sick the day they taught meteorogy in school. Do you think a good example of meteorogy is when SkyLab fell to earth and crushed John Belushi like a pancake?


Showed that guy....
--M. said:
Did you have to pay extra to get an advanced degree in meteorogy? I was sick the day they taught meteorogy in school. Do you think a good example of meteorogy is when SkyLab fell to earth and crushed John Belushi like a pancake?


Showed that guy....

Thanks for picking up my typo! Perhaps the study of meteorites should be called meteoritetology? :D
Dr. Dasypodidae said:
As one who teaches meteorology and climatology courses, I am usually a bit dubious about the Old Farmer's Almanac....

"Here's the secret, popularized in 1777: Throw a log out an upstairs window, dash down the stairs and outside, retrieve the log, dash upstairs, throw the log out the window and so on."

Well at any rate true or not this technique looks as if it might be a good training tool for hiking :)
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FYI There was a recent NOVA program on "Global Dimming".

The nutshell is that during recent decades increases in particulate pollution have slightly "dimmed" sunlight at the earth's surface, camouflaging the full impact of increased greenhouse gas (Co2, methane) on earth's climate.
[Also possibly responsible for the droughts/famines in Africa.]
The implication is that if we clean up smog without addressing greenhouse gas as well, then global warming will accelerate.

Not trying to ignite a political discussion - just something relevant to the thread title. (I don't pay attention to the Farmer's Almanac)

" increased greenhouse gas (Co2, methane) on earth's climate"

I never realized that Co (cobalt) was a greenhouse gas and now its diatomic! :)
I KNEW some geek out there would "bite", once I realized I'd made the typo.

But I was betting on DougPaul. :)
Boooooo :mad: It was a bummer to hear from the scientific community that the Earth has been cooling for the last decade and that the trend will continue, and now the OFA has to chime in as well. I like the OFA for it's charm, but I won't enjoy the dreadful prediction of cooling. I hope the cooling holds off long enough for me to enjoy the world for a few more decades.

happy trails :)
moonrock said:
I KNEW some geek out there would "bite", once I realized I'd made the typo.

But I was betting on DougPaul. :)
Hey! Gimme a break!

Besides, you could have edited your post to fix the typo.

Actually, the scary thing about the "Global Dimming" program is that some dimwit might conclude that the solution to global warming is more air pollution...

"Hey! Gimme a break!
Besides, you could have edited your post to fix the typo."

You mean: PROOFREAD ? For FREE ?!? ;)
