How long to go up AT from CVR and ski down Sugarloaf?

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Jan 28, 2005
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Portland, ME
I've searched around the site a bunch but haven't found an answer to this question.

I'd like to do a trip starting as far in on the CVR road as possible and up the AT, over to Sugarloaf (ME) summit and ski down to the lodge.

Due to work obligations on Sunday evening, time is a little tight.

Does .5 hour to cover any unplowed section of CVR, 3 hours for the climb up and .5 hour to ski down sound reasonable? We are pretty fast hikers in general....

Also, if anybody has experience skinning up CVR I'd love to hear how it went. Would we be better off with boots/crampons and switching to tele boots at the top?

Any advice/experience sharing would be greatly appreciated!
Your times sound reasonable, but you never know how the river crossing and the steep sections will go, so you might want to add a cushion of an hour or so. I'd take snowshoes too. In January we parked at the 3.3 mile mark, which was pretty close to the AT crossing. All we did, though, was to ski into the valley. The river may be the biggest challenge.

Which trails do you plan to ski down?
Thanks for the info Audrey....I guess the choice of what trail to ski down will be the last decision we make. We are doing lift service (the horror!) on Saturday so depending on what is skiing nice then and how much time we have, we'll pick a trail.
I was walking on the river a week ago. That branch of the carrabasset is completely frozen over, just watch where you walk, b/c there are a few open water spots. I went up to West Mt Falls last week, which is maybe a mile or so down the river from the AT crossing. I have a few shutterbook pics, if you want a general idea of the ice thickness. Your times sound about right, the trail from the valley to the top is only around 3 miles or so, but it is steep in spots.