Jeepers, creepers, we've got those peepers

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Cardinals are our spring's here indicator

Here at our home in Waltham MA, every year in March we have a cardinal posted high in trees in our backyard making a beautiful call early in morning as I'm getting in car to go to off to work.
No spring peepers here on a north-facing southern NH hill, at least didn't hear any yet. But there's still ice on the ponds. Soon, I hope.

We used to have wonderful Whip-poor-wills that would chant all night long outside our window at the onset of spring. I'd keep the window open a crack to hear them. Sadly, they haven't come back since 2001.
heard the first peeps last thursday night here in accord ny....58 degrees today.....bluebirds galore!
jrichard said:
We used to have wonderful Whip-poor-wills that would chant all night long outside our window at the onset of spring. I'd keep the window open a crack to hear them. Sadly, they haven't come back since 2001.

I've had them for many years, but they don't show up until late spring. I think of them more as a sign that summer is coming. They seem to show up right around the time when leaving the windows open in the evening is viable.

Snowshoed around several vernal pools today. Water is mostly open but nothing going on yet in any of them, except one with particularly strong sunlight exposure had some algae.

Found some boughs that had been broken off for a day nest or perhaps to freshen up a den. I left bruin to it . . .
Took my dog Bemis out for her morning constitutional about 5:30 am today. Heard two peepers out in our wetlands. This is a day earlier than 2006 and 5 days earlier than last year. It is the earliest date that I can recall hearing them.

It was about 38 degrees early this morning. I would guess the first warm night we get that they will be calling in mass numbers.

Spring has sprung again in Boxford, MA :cool:

Waiting for report from Weatherman

Thanks for commenters on peepers. They are worth monitoring. I don't live close enough to peeper habitat to collect data in consistant fashion, but I do appreciate getting it from others.

Weatherman .... where are you? You're the only one who's given us something resembling objective data. Just the facts mame. I want data ... not mood swings! Just to re-cap weatherman's data set from last year on this thread:

"First peepers in Shrewsbury, MA:
2005 4/1 (snow total 100.9")
2006 3/31 (snow total 58.4")
2007 3/27 (snow total 38.3"- boo)
2008 4/1 (snow total 69.2" so far)

Remarkably consistent!"
Call me crazy, but I swear I heard frogs about a mile up the Livermore Trail (Lily Pond end) last Saturday. There were woodpeckers around, whose drumming sounds similar but woody. The sound had a distict high-pitched whistle sound. There were at least two. I tried to find them but could not because the sound stopped as I approached. It's a swampy area, west of the trail, but only the main drainage was free of snow, barely.

Peepers or woodfrogs, or something else?

happy trails :)
Sorry, work and other things have kept me from the boards lately.
No peepers yet. Redwing blackbirds arrived on 3/15, a good 10 days later than typical, though the snow has been gone for a couple weeks now. I'll post when I hear more - I have a feeling it'll be this weekend.
We got 68.5 inches of snow (so far!) this season at my house.

No peepers yet, I love them.
BUT I have a woodpecker that is doing some "construction" right ouside my window...
Some green things are peeking out of the ground!!!
I guess the groundhog was wrong. Blackbirds returned to Southern NH two weeks ago. That's their earliest return home I can remember.
Peepers today in Shrewsbury, MA! might have heard a couple yesterday but not sure, definitely a bunch in several sites today.

Didn't get out and play enough in the snow this year. Hopefully next year. In the meantime, got a couple lists to finish up in 2009.