Mt Cabot, The Bulge & The Horn

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Date of Hike: Saturday 11/16/13

Trails: Unknown Pond Trail, Kilkenny Ridge Trail, The Horn Spur & Back

Trail Conditions: Wet/Muddy - very little snow for the first half mile. From there, all white (2-3) inches of packed snow to Unknown Pond. From the pond, soft snow easily negotiable without traction up over the Bulge and more snow as you ascend Cabot (4-6) inches and down to the Fire Warden's cabin. Worth the extra effort to catch a view. Cabin is open - good place to grab a seat an eat lunch. Be advised it's about a 5-10 minute walk from the summit to the cabin - slightly downhill and flat. Trail is well packed and easy to follow. Opted to climb The Horn on the return trip. The spur was in good shape - same conditions as Kilkenny Ridge. Most of the Horn "peak" was exposed rock.

Equipment: Hiking Poles - did not need micro spikes or any traction.

Comments: Mill Brook Road from Stark is in great shape nearly all the way to the Unknown Pond trailhead. As we approached the trailhead, the road got a bit slippery and parking at the "bridge" was limited. Therefore opted to drive back to the top of the hill - a few hundred yards and park on the side of the road. My guess is that last nights rain did not "worsen" the road but surely made the trail a bit muddier. Bring you gaiters! Won't be much longer before the road is closed so catch it while you can!