Mt Paugus area trails Sat 7/21/2010

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Jan 23, 2004
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Candia, NH
Hiked several trails between Chocurua and Mt Passaconway

up Liberty to Chocurua summit (still sunny with blue skies at the time)
down Beeline (a grove of chantrells near the top!)
up Beeline-OldPaugus, (favorite spot)
down Lawrence
up Square Ledge (really impressive cliff) to Passaconway
down Walden trail
Cabin - Whiten Brook (cool Caves here) back to Liberty

All the trails were in suprisingly good condition; think we were lucky as it looked like several of the trails were recently cleared of brush and undergrowth. Square ledge from the 4 corners to the bottom of the ledge was the only exception; it had lots of old logs and low growth so it was often difficult to see the trail.

The Paugus area trails were a first time visit for us. Loved the near-Paugus summit area and Square ledge. Big Rock cave was pretty neat, too. I dont think we had ever done a trail so steep as the Beeline up to the Paugus ridge that was almost 100% free of rocks or roots. Up on the toes all the way. What a workout on the calves!

Quite a year for mushrooms if I do say so myself.

Brian and Mackreth