Nauman area Campsites this weekend?

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Jul 10, 2005
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Well, it looks like the weekend plans have changed again and we're probably heading to Crawford Notch. I'm wondering how full Nauman Tentsite is likely to be this weekend and what other tenting options there are nearby-- Tisdale Spring? Other spots on the AT between Webster Cliffs and Nauman??

We'll be spending two nights on the trail, and looking to do about three miles/day, with 7 and 9 year olds. Any other route suggestions?

We're going to Crawford Notch because it's somewhat familliar territory, though I have yet to backpack out of there.

Another thought is to go up the Davis Path, and spend two nights in there somewhere. Any thoughts about which would be better? What I really want is to know that we'll find a nice place to camp, even if we don't arrive mid-day.


Thanks, Trailbiscuit.

Ethan Pond... Well, I thought about that, but the opportunities to get up high, above treeline to a summit, seem less over there...Thoreau falls would be within range, but Zeacliff would be too far, and Mt Willey would be a backtrack on the middle day...I never have been to Ethan pond, so maybe I'm missing something? Maybe I'm hung up on going up!

Right now, the weather really looks good this weekend, so I think it would be great to get up high. Both kids went up Washington last june, so they'd get a kick out of seeing it from the other side. We stayed at Hermit Lake, and now the 7ry old really wants to do her first "real backpack trip"-- where you stay in tents, not shelters...

What would be great is a loop-- from Highland up to the top of Webster and then camp somewhere near the summit of Jackson, then the next day move over to Nauman, get a good spot having arrived early, drop our stuff and continue maybe as far as Eisenhower, then return and hike out the next day down the Crawford Path.

So where to plan on that first night? And how many people will there be out there?

Davis Path looks interesting, with a smattering of clear summits within our range--and plenty of campsites mentioned in various places...also, I think it might be a little more peaceful there this weekend. Too bad there's no loop option there...also, the vertical at the beginning might be a bit much--~3000' right off the bat in less than 2 miles.

We bagged the Baldface idea for now because it's just a little further away, and back, and what with the traffic thie weekend....Hopefully some time before too long, though.
