New York photo quiz

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That was a good quiz, Raymond!

#6 looked very familiar, and I had just figured it out prior to your last clue. I knew the water had to be Lake Placid, but the direction of the view made no sense until I spotted the Cobble on the map. I have never been on Cobble Hill, but it is now on my must climb list.

It wasn't until you posted the Dix anchor bolts photo that I recognized #2. I had been leaning toward Elk Pass or the Scenic Trail on Sawteeth prior to that. The bolts brought back memories of my first Dix climb in 1976. I arrived just after dawn to find several tents anchored via those bolts, and no one yet stirring within. That was before there was any elevation restrictions for camping. I had also intentionally bivouacked in the middle of the herd path going up the Beckhorn from Hough (also before the age of headlamps).
Thanks, Mark.

Follow the directions in the High Peaks guide carefully for Cobble Hill. It was a little confusing, we drove around a bit before finding it. I think the guide I had said that the road was dirt, but it was actually paved. Don’t know what the 13th Edition says. Anyway, the trailhead parking a couple years ago was a grassy patch on the side of the road. Look carefully at the trees at the back right corner and you may see a paint blaze or two. There’s actually a YouTube video of Cobble Hill. The steep ledge is the most memorable part of the hike, but there seem to be numerous trails encircling the hill.

ColdRiverRun, sorry about that; I wasn’t trying to confuse anyone, but neither did I want to make it too obvious that it was on a High Peak. I figured by saying ‘‘Hundred Highest’’ that you would at least know that it wasn’t just some obscure place along a valley trail somewhere.
Raymond said:
There’s actually a YouTube video of Cobble Hill. The steep ledge is the most memorable part of the hike, but there seem to be numerous trails encircling the hill.
Good stuff. That video was produced by YouTube member EverestNBD. That is Nick DuBois (VFTT member "Everest NBD"), son of Tim DuBois (VFTT member mavs00). Cool video, Nick. :cool: