Pound the Presis 6/17/06


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It was great to see folks, though I suspect I didn't bump into at least half of you up there, which was too bad. I knew I wasn't up for the full traverse's elevation gain, so I joined Bob & Geri. We went up Edmand's Path, turned north, went over Monroe, and hung out at Lakes of the Clouds for almost 2 hours hoping to see VFTT'ers. We eventually saw Giggy, JayH, Rols & Tuco before we ourselves turned back south, went around Monroe, over Eisenhower, and up Pierce where the ice cream chicken sated us. While there, Chomp and a few others whose names have already slipped my mind caught us, but then we went on ahead down the Crawford Path. My estimate is around 12 miles and 4300' of elevation.

My original plan was to drive home that night so I could be up the next morning to go visit Dad; turns out I had to reserve and catch a 9:15am flight to Baltimore out of Manchester. I've been catching up on work and sleep ever since, so I haven't had the time to put together a proper trip report, but here are my pictures from the day.

I had a fantastic time, it was an amazing hike, a wonderful gift to BTS, and I can't wait to see everyone again soon!

ps - SPF 45 feels like glue going on, but I was very grateful to have had it!
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Getting out is all that counts! Well....!!

jade said:
Hey y'all.......
Just arrived home last night after the hike and 4 days of work up in the 'Great North Woods'....what a weekend!
Though I prefer the comforts of sleeping in a bed, a flush/Clivus toilet and hot/cold running water, I must say it sounds as if I missed a lot of the commaraderie by not staying at the campground....

This hike was the most strenuous I've ever done.....I was surprised (but not especially disappointed) that it took me so long to finish--16.5 goshdarnfriggin hours--and I didn't even get to meet Dave Metsky!!! I did get to spend time with Frytz which was a treat and enjoyed meeting DoubleBow....we hiked together for a number of hours until they surged ahead...For the entire route I had Rocksandrolls as my constant companion and I can't imagine a better partner....we finally finished at around 10PM

Glad to hear you did the whole thing, and I am always impressed by anyone who can still hike after 12-13 hours! You and Rocksandrolls had the longest day, and I had about the shortest! DoubleBow won the Red Badge of Courage! I wish I would have been able to stop back at CMR, but then I would have had to impose on some tired body to drive me back to Gorham late! And I lived to hike another day!

But, on Sunday, I relearned a lesson I knew, but ignored! Going solo on the Traverse was fine - it was rush hour with hundreds of hikers! I did the Ice Gulch alone on Sunday, in which, if I had suffered just a minor injury, I might still be there! Friends knew where I had gone, but that only puts a burden on someone else for my lack of common sense! I did get out okay, no mishaps, great hike - but I would never do something like that alone again!

Where do we go next year!!??
