Raymond Path - Places To Camp


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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
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Are there any woods or spots along the Raymond Path that would allow for pitching a tent or is the terrain too rugged? I've never done the trail before and was thinking I might do a loop up Nelson Crag, over Washington or Alpine Garden to Boott Spur and back across this weekend. If the weather is decent, rather than doing my usual drive home I was thinking of maybe setting up camp somewhere on Raymond Path not far from Nelson Crag Trail on my way out and spending the night in there on the return. Figure it might be a little more off the beaten path for the holiday weekend.

If anyone can comment on the terrain along the trail, particularly the section from Huntington Raving junction to the Nelson Crag junction it would be appreciated.
If you park at the Great Gulf trailhead, you could camp at Clam Rock or the Bluff on the GG trail.
There's no camping in the Cutler River drainage except at Hermit Lakes or near the Harvard Cabin in the winter, so there's no legal camping anywhere along that trail or anywhere else in or below Huntington or Tuckerman Ravines.


Is the Nelson Crag Trail considered part of the Cutler Drainage? Looking at the topo map the small brook South of it and the ones North of it do not drain into Cutler Basin. The section in WMNF rules seems more intended to discourage camping near the Ravines. Not sure how technical a ranger would get with me if I made that case with a tent pitched over there. Just curious. I rarely backcountry camp so I don't know exactly how much grief they would give me, especially on a holiday weekend.
Is the Nelson Crag Trail considered part of the Cutler Drainage?
Check with a lawyer and a surveyor, but I believe camping off the North side of the trail is outside (subject to any other restrictions that may apply), but not the South.
Check with a lawyer and a surveyor, but I believe camping off the North side of the trail is outside (subject to any other restrictions that may apply), but not the South.
That is correct, up to the point where the trail crosses over the Huntington Ravine trail, then it's all inside the Cutler River drainage.
Good call emphasizing the rules Dave. I did a loop up Nelson Crag, across Alpine Garden, Boott Spur and down Glen Boulder Saturday and I think almost every trail sign had a Cutler Basin map on fluroescent yellow paper stressing the no camping in this area rules. Guess it is a big point of emphasis.