Tumbledown via Parker Ridge Trail


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date: 1/22/2011

conditions: powder, deep drifts, some ice especially on the upper ledges and ridge crest.

equipment: Snowshoes and poles from beginning to end. Carried light traction and full crampons but didn't need them. Headlamps for descent and walk out.

comments: We were able to drive in Byron Rd with 4x4 all the way to the beginning of Morgan Rd. and parked there. (wouldn't recommend trying this in a car or 2 wheel drive) Had to break trail beginning to end. Beautiful, cold, sunny day. Took our time, did not go all the way to T-down Pond as we decided to hang out on the high point of Parker Ridge and watch the sunset (and a cold front coming in from the west!) Easy after-dark descent.

Ryan Walker