Update on TrailsNH.com


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Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Goffstown, NH
If you have not used TrailsNH.com recently, here's the run down. TrailsNH.com indexed and geo tagged 6500+ trip reports in 2010 from: NETC, VFTT, ADKHP, ROT, H-NH, ADKF, NEHM, AMC, AZ. More trail conditions sources will be added soon.

Mapped Trail Conditions - Features:
  • MyTopo Topo Maps (zoom level 12-15 only)
  • NOAA/NWS Snow Depth Map (estimated snow depths)
  • NOAA/NWS Radar loop (live)
  • Intellicast Radar Loop (live)
  • WMNF Visitor Alerts (todays forest service alerts)
  • USFS Road Status (todays forest road status)
  • Place Finder (moves and zooms the map to a destination)
  • Share Map Link (link to share for current map (location, zoom, and maptype))
  • Move: a link to moving a trips report tagged to the wrong place.
  • Swimming Holes coming Summer-2011
  • NOAA/NWS Summit Forecast coming soon.

Mapped Trail Conditions - URL Options

Trail Conditions by List:
Compiled Daily

NH 4000 Footers
Bookmark Options:

ADK 46er High Peaks
Bookmark Options:

Trail Conditions by Email:
Trail Watch monitors incoming trip reports. You tell Trail Watch what area to watch. Trail watch sends you an email when someone hikes there, with a link to their trip report. Visit http://trailsnh.com/TrailWatch.php to register and check it out.​

Do your friends know about TrailsNH.com? Please let them know if they don't already. If you have a forum or blog here are a few graphics you can use.


More graphics and information on our Facebook group "TrailsNH User Group".

See you out there!
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Snow Trend Graph

Snow Trend graphs the snow depth over time, for the last 7 days.

Snow depth: blue bars
New snow: darker blue cap on the bar
Hi temp: red line
Low temp: white line

If you know of other snow stakes out there, let me know.
