In Rembrance , July 2024
Here is an article about viewshed clearing in Randolph. It has been quite noticeable recently that many of the view point have been cleared out.
A version of this article is in the Berlin Paper but may be behind a paywall an it usually pops up in the Conway paper a few days later. The new views along the Crescent Range trail are impressive.
Here is a link to the original article in the RMC newsletter
Note sure if they have opened up the "Eye of the needle" on Four Solidiers path yet, the view can be found but two years ago the sign was not the spot.
A version of this article is in the Berlin Paper but may be behind a paywall an it usually pops up in the Conway paper a few days later. The new views along the Crescent Range trail are impressive.
Here is a link to the original article in the RMC newsletter
Note sure if they have opened up the "Eye of the needle" on Four Solidiers path yet, the view can be found but two years ago the sign was not the spot.