W48 finish on Madison/Adams


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Jason Berard

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
N. Thetford, VT Avatar: Cabot, winter 2011
A lot has changed since I hike up Tecumseh in '99 at the age of 29 to bag my first NH 4K in winter. Licia and I moved back to VT, bought a 232 year old farmhouse, had three kids, and I completely changed careers for starters!:eek::D

After checking the current conditions on my smartphone (was there such a thing in 1999?!), and finding out the wind was already blowing 50 on the rockpile; oh well, I thought, we'll just have a great walk in the woods.

Maybe we'll see Star the Moose.

Its not to windy at the hut: the crew!

Let's hit Madison!
Looking at Washington across the Great Gulf.

Headed back down to the hut.

Let's go for Adams!

After this, it got too windy to take pics! Playing with Google Earth is fun! (couldn't do that in '99, either!)

Thanks to Marty, LarryD, Mike Gaffney and WSC for coming along on the last leg of this journey, and big thanks to all the folks with whom I've hiked, or met along the way. It's been a great 13 years!
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Jason, it was indeed a grand way to finish the winter 48.:cool: Glad I could be with you for the finish, along with a great group of guys and one cow moose. According to my unofficial count, we finished 15 of the winter 48 together!

Congrats again.
Happy to be part of this Jason. Congratulations. With some luck, I will finish the winter 48 myself this weekend on Washington.
I just mailed my application to the 4K footer committee.:D

Even though the forecast was borderline as far as winds go, for some reason I felt like I owed it to the mountains to head out for my last peaks anyway. I've been turned around plenty of times on hikes in the winter, but not once for a peak I needed for this list. I figured if I had to turn around on this hike, it would be like paying some kind of homage to the mountains. I wish I could explain my thoughts on this more clearly. It sounds crazy, I know!:rolleyes:
Way to go!

Nice work, Jason! We managed to make it to Washington and Jefferson yesterday. Hopefully I can finish up this weekend on Mad/Adams, fingers crossed!

Congrats Jason! I just got my patch in the mail yesterday (sadly my only hike this winter was to finish the list!). What's up next for you?