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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2004
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New hampshire
I dont post many new threads but here goes. After 6 years out west, Ive been back here for a few months, this weather in the east is dreadfull to say the least. I dont know about others but Ive had it. IM not afaid to hike in somewhat sketchy conditions but man look outside!! I will stay the winter, but IM heading back out west come spring, my time outdoors hiking is way to important to me to wait for weeks on end for good weather, the conditions here in the east are plain a joke. Do others feel this way? or have you all just accepted this kind of weather? Out west you get 300 days of sun a year, I mean the bugs, the rain, IM not seeing it here in the east at all.

they used to say.... if you don't like the weather,wait a minute!!! :D
i think that ones out the window at this point in time!!! :eek:
i'm used to it. :)
p.s. i'll come visit when you get settled ;)
Sorry dude, but this is part of what I like about New England Weather: Dark, rainy days.

Keep 'em coming! I hope it turns to snow in a few months! I like the sun & stuff but I'll take my rain as well.

-Dr. Wu

PS. believe it or not, I also love the bugs. I like black flies and I like mosquittos and I like getting bit. It's part of the fun -- it itches for a day and it goes away. I could do without the tics and they're associated diseases but I don't mind the other biting insects!
I rarely let the weather change my plans as long as it is still safe to hike - I have had some of my best hikes in the rain. The variations in the scenery in rain and fog are interesting.

I figure if I spend all of my $$ on the gear for the different conditions I owe it to myself to use the gear! :D
I love the weather in New England. I love it's unpredictability. I don't like heat and humidity, but I love that it's hot and humid one day, in the summer, in rolls a front, and the next day it's dry as a bone and barely cracking 70. I love that in the winter it's gets below zero and the snow piles up. I love rainy days. I love sunny days. I love it all. Bring it. I'll hike, bike, run, climb in any weather. The weather is the X factor. The unknown. If it's sunny and dry every day, who cares? Where's the wonder of what the day will be like. I love hiking through a maelstrom only to top out on a peak above the clouds with barely a breath of air. I love that my friend who has climbed mountains on multiple continents, at altitude, will maintain to anyone he speaks to that winter in the Whites is the coldest there is. I wear our weather like a badge of honor, it's part of what defines us. It forces you to search for beauty when it's not in front of our face. I love to laugh at those who relegate themselves indoors during the winter instead of embracing it. Bring it.

George Carlin once said, '...if you don't like the weather, move.' And it's as true for me and anyone. If I lived in Florida, the southwest, southern California or any other place that had the same weather day in, day out, I would move.

Today is as rainy and windy as your going to see. Step outside, look at the leaves blowing, the clouds swirling and the birds riding the air. It's all around.

Bring it.
it's all relative...

3 weeks ago we were enjoying the end of one of our warmest, driest summers/early falls in quite a while. Some AT thru-hikers I met in VT in late summer were saying they only had like 6 or less real rain days the whole trip! I agree, though, since 10/7 it's been very depressing... and the storms seem to center on the weekends...but it's time to haul out the winter stuff and enjoy what could be one heck of an early snow season up north.
weatherman said:
3 weeks ago we were enjoying the end of one of our warmest, driest summers/early falls in quite a while. Some AT thru-hikers I met in VT in late summer were saying they only had like 6 or less real rain days the whole trip! I agree, though, since 10/7 it's been very depressing... and the storms seem to center on the weekends...but it's time to haul out the winter stuff and enjoy what could be one heck of an early snow season up north.

Couldn't have said it better myself!! The almost total lack of sun over the past 2 weeks has been depressing, but snow is GOOD :D. Now i just gotta take out a loan to buy new winter gear!!! LOL
When we moved to Mass Lst year, we had a horrendous Aug-Dec with A lot of rain - Almost daily. It seems like the cycle has been repeating itself that last few weeks. I admit, I am also depressed by it. I don't like drought conditions either, but a nice mix wouldn't hurt.
I agree with those who have said they love the weather here. I had a great hike last weekend in the cold rain. I went out for a walk today in these weird, fierce winds and driving rain. The weather adds character and mystery to hiking. It makes being outside all the more enjoyable. If you want climate control, walk laps around the mall. We are all so used to having the temperature set to a certain comfort level when we are indoors, why would you seek that when venturing outside?

Don't get me wrong, I those like dry, sunny days-- but I have a short attention span--the constantly changing weather keeps me feeling awake and alive.

And yeah, sapblatt, we've got all the gear, so let's make the investment worthwhile!
Just take one look at the drought conditions that continue to exist in the mid west in places like CO, UT, MT, etc....that 300 days of sun comes at quite a price IMHO...wild fires burn 100000 of acres of land that we use to hike on...dont get me wrong I love the "west" too especially the skiing, but I dont think i'd give up the northeast for anything in the world, and i've lived in CO for a # of years as well as some other places..I ALWAYS end up gravitating back here...don't know..but I do... :)

I sometimes ask myself why I put up with winters but last week I was reminded again. While coming down off Mt. Osceola with my 2 huskies, we stopped for a snack/water break and I started to hear what sounded like sand hitting the fallen leaves. What it was were some clouds had drifted over and flurries were starting to fall. Total silence other than the sound of the flurries hitting the leaves. Nothing beats the change in seasons! :)

I LOVE inclement weather. It sort of gives me more a reason to get in nature's face and embrace the challenge. Sunny days are nice and pleasant, but "nasty" weather is envigorating.

Nothing like going for a long run/hike/kayak/bike ride in a rain that soaks your bones. That stuff just makes you feel alive and truly at one with nature!!

Ah, love it!!
I agree with sapblatt! :D

No matter what kinda junk falls outta the sky, I say "I've got a layer for that!"

I love a warm sunny day and the rain can be depressing at times but, it's not enough to make me move. The weather adds to the adventure!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

So what's everyone doing this weekend?!?!
sierra - I am with you but family and work keeps me here. Anyone who actually enjoys climbing or hiking in the rain imo has a screw loose (nothing against you folks as some of you are my buddies)

but we do get some great sunny winter days and the summers are usually decent as you know. This weather pattern in october is a bit odd - if you look at the NWS - this has never really happened before - all sorts od rain records for this month and it sucks.

I cancel plans when it rains.
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giggy said:
Anyone who actually enjoys climbing or hiking in the rain imo has a screw loose (nothing against you folks as some of you are my buddies)

gig - I know - I am one of the ones with a screw loose :D - if you hiked in the forest more you might like the rain - it is a bit tough to deal with on an exposed ridge for the entire day!
Where are all the yin/yang philosophy people? You can't enjoy the sunny days without a few rainy ones. New England has to be one of the best places to experience all four seasons. I have a cousin out in California where it is always 70 degrees and sunny, but she says that she misses the seasons. It's not always perfect up here, but at least there are no hurricanes or earthquakes. I might take that back though, it looks like there is a small storm out on the coast right now as my windows shake.
I spent 2 years in Texas (Dallas area) and will never, ever leave New England. The Change of seasons and rapid change of weather are what make it so great.
I'm picky about the weather, or possibly better put is that I'm sensitive to it. For me it's tough to live in New England. The winters are too cold. There's only so much you can do to keep your feet warm in ski boots. More than half the time we get precipitation it comes down as rain, only to get cold again the next day. In the summer it's never warm and dry. It's either hot and humid or cool and dry. None of my pictures are clear because it's always hazy. It rains all the time in april and may, which takes all the great spring skiing days away.

I think a move out west with bigger mountains and better weather is inevitable. I wish I didn't have to leave my family and friends for these things but I think I need to at least for a while.

I looked at the climatological data for Portland. I assigned a point to any day where on average the sky was half covered by clouds or less. I gave a half point to any day that was a mix and 0 points where the day averaged more than half cloudy or more. For the month of May my system yielded 8.5 points out of a possible 31. My guess is that October will yield around 10 and definitely under 15 points. I bet this year will be one of the least sunniest years on record. I have to admit that September was an excellent month though, with the warm, dry, and sunny days I love.

I'll still go out on crappy days because it's better than being inside, but I'm not going to say it doesn't put a hamper on the day when you're wet and uncomfortable or you can't see peaks that are 20 miles away because it's so hazy. You HAVE to admit that the winter weather patterns we have (freeze/thaw/snow/rain/cold) is utterly frustrating if you're a skier.

I will also admit that on occasion when I've been outside enough for a few days and it's been sunny, it's nice to be inside on a rainy and windy day. In these cases I always relish the fact that I have modern shelter, appliances, and clothing.