What I learned at the gathering/hiking


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One last thing...I'm trying to figure out this weird feeling I've had all week.

The build up to the gathering had me tossing and turning and e mailing sherpak for 2 months..the gathering was incredible..and now it's a downer that it's over...

Must be the kindergarten teacher in me but I felt like Alice in wonderland..I fell into a dream and it was incredible, it was like a different world on top of Pierce, I even fell for the volcanic ash comment from Richard. It was like going to camp, having fun and then leaving. Maybe it's because this was the first time for me and I'm still thinking about it. Hope the feeling stays with me forever, I think I have the "hiking bug!"
Pete_Hickey said:
Hey sherpa. That was the stuff you made me drink, right? what was it? It wasn't half bad. I didn't throw up, and I'm still alive a week later...
I seem to have made a lot of people drink it. Nearly a gallon's worth! It was the good Dr. McGillicudy, official drink of VFTT. Look forward to forcing you to have a bit of the Dr again.
You folks are really funny!
I'm still laughing :D :D :D
I learned that after not hiking for two months (since the bushwack gathering in November) that it's probably not a good idea to hike Madison (although it was great fun with terrific folks), and then get on a plane for London the following day. Let's just say that it wasn't pretty when I tried to stand up after 7 hours of flying. I hobbled off that aircraft looking and feeling twice my age :eek: . Or maybe I just hadn't drunk enough of the good Doctor on Saturday :D