while hiking


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I always thought that a spare 8-track or two left on the dash pretty much assured no breakins.

I always carry my wallet and camera, but I feel pretty safe hiding a few valuables in the car and locking it. I've had to leave a bike in the car, can't really hide that unless you take it out of the car and stash it in the woods. I usually put stuff in the back (of my wagon) covered and leave nothing out in site.

So far so good.

I carry my wallet, cash unknown, sometime $1, sometimes $100, Camera is $150 or so.

Car is older model, usually dirty & unkept, never an issue.

Now I probably look more like a mugger than mugee 6' 200 never shave pre-hike (if I did by the time I drove to trail it would like like I didn't any way) & after a 1/2 mile the poly-pew is repeling people, (I'm not in official poly-pew anymore but dri-clime or new fabric are overwhelmed - gee who want to go hiking with me now).

I'm more concerned when I hear women on the trail with guns, as I come up the trail grubby & breathing heavy (because I'm not ultra-fit) & hoping they don't think all men are after their beautiful bodies. Smetimes the reason men come up to you on the trail might be because you are hogging the view, not because you are the view.

Chomp, how do you deal with all the hiking ladies after your hot bod????? I forgot how I fought them off when I was your age. less gray, hairy & fit 12 or 13 years ago :D :D ;) :D
To those who carry a wallet for identification purposes? Hell, dental records are good enough.

Rick, you have the right idea. BUy one of these:


Leave it in the car with your wallet in it.

Alpine. Methinks there is something of value to be found in your truck on a hot day. I hear that there is often a coke on ice.

You might have too much time on your hands. I find myself disturbed, yet strangely impressed that you found that link.
dave.m said:
I find myself disturbed, yet strangely impressed that you found that link.

First of all, I just reposted a link someone else had found and told me about. I made my own (unintentionally) the last time a car hit my while riding my bike.

Want to feel disturbed? Know how, one likes to be proud of their job? Think of the guy who makes those shorts. Think of his kids, when their friends ask, "And what does your father do for a living?" That's disturbing.
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Trunk Monkey

Dang - you have to click on the URL on this page to get the video clip.

I agree completely with Grumpy and others who emphasize that the victim is not at fault. I expect this kind of stuff in the Catskills because I saw enough when I was growing up in the area, but the ADK's?!

All I know is that I don't recall ever thinking about carrying money while hiking. Never saw a store while hiking and never wanted to buy anything - although I've heard some stories!:eek:

I guess when I hike, I get into mini-survival mode and am far more focused on what I think I will need, including the what-ifs - I carry a knife, compass, whistle, map, water and/or filter, clothes for warmth . . . I have yet to carry a gun but have frequently carried pepper spray.

If I have any bit of money (and a just-in-case credit card) that I hold on to for the drive back home, in one of those many great secure pockets in my hiking pants. Just in case some slimy twit decides my car looks like a target, I don't keep anything much of value in my car when it's parked.

I sure hope that if any of those sleezes who break into cars and also lurk in this forum, will realize how pathetic their behavior is and stop the loser behavior. I can't help but think how pathetic it must be to break into cars at trailheads or other hikers' parking areas.
Pete, that link is too funny! I just sprayed coffee out my nose all over my keyboard when I saw it.

I also agree with Dave's observations...
mommabear said:
I expect this kind of stuff in the Catskills because I saw enough when I was growing up in the area, but the ADK's?!

I was suprised to hear that about the Catskills. I have always felt safe leaveing my car a trailheads. I never heard any break ins as well. I can understand more in the ADK or Whites just because they get a much larger volume of traffic in the mountains. It can happen anywere, even in your own driveway.

If the docters are wrong about my wife having a girl and she ends up aving a boy I think his name is going to be Jeb.

Until my vehicle was broken into, I felt the same as most of the people here. Now, it never occurs to me to leave cash in my car. Why risk that? How much do a few pieces of paper weigh? I put my ID, credit cards and cash in a plastic bag and carry it with me in the same little pocket where I keep my car keys. Every time I return to a trailhead, I cringe a little until I see intact glass in my door.

The one time my vehicle was entered, I was in Algonquin Provincial Park. The staff warned us of possible break-ins. But as long as there are cash and cameras left in cars, there is incentive for the criminals to enter vehicles. We can't catch those crooks ourselves, but we can take away the incentive by not leaving glorious goods for them to steal. The six hour drive home with a garbage bag duct-taped to my door was an adventure of it's own. You'll feel differently when it happens to you. I'm not "blaming the victim", I'm trying to avoid being one. -ALG
i cant understand why anyone would leave there $ in a car. i allways felt the best place for $ and cameras was with me. and heres something you folks who leave your car open might want to think about. its not brake an entering if you leave your car open. just an invitation to go through your car.
Good point point about not blaming the victim, just not becoming one (or cutting down the chances of becoming one if everyone took more precautions).

Don't feed the bears, don't feed the thieves.

The fudged drawers were a hoot!
JJwilliams said:
also I ran into a two women from NJ who were having lunch in town at noonmark and I was telling them my sobs story, they said htey both carry guns even though it is illegal for them to have them.

I don't have any fear about the low probability of thugs, bears, or javelinas messing with me or my stuff.

Armed Jersey girls: THAT I fear.


Steve ;)

PS: Peakbagr: My contribution to the downward spiral.
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True Story

One time years ago I attended an all-day downtown meeting in one of our almost midwestern state capitol cities and left my Chevy Blazer loaded with about $6,000 worth of photographic equipment (cameras and lenses, mid 1970s value). I parked in one of the downtown ramps, which was somewhat notorious for car break-ins. It was a hot summer morning, and since the old Blazer did not have air cnditioning I had been running with the driver’s side window rolled down. In somethng of a hurry, I parked, grabbed my grief case and vaulted out of the vehicle, making sure all the doors were securely locked.

Came noontime, I zipped back to the parking garage to get some papers out of my vehicle, and as I approached the Blazer my heart just plain skipped a beat. The driver’s side window was wide open!

Figuring all was gone, I quickly checked the mess in the far back of the vehicle, where the camera gear was stashed under assorted old blankets and gear bags that usually rode with me (most of my work was out in the boonies, those days). What a relief it was to discover the photo stuff and everything else lay undisturbed.

I always have attributed my good fortune that day to the fact my Blazer was filthy dirty and messy looking -- purely disreputable, inside and out. Nothing of value could reside in such a beastly looking thing. Of course, just dumb luck probably played a role, too. But I’ve frequently used that incident to ward off Mrs. Grumpy’s insistence that I get off my duff and clean up our vehicles. “Dirty vehicles keep thieves away” I argue.

I do not recommend you test that theory the way I did, though.

Re: Re: while hiking

sp1936 said:

Armed Jersey girls: THAT I fear.


Steve ;)

And a wise man you are!
Thank God for company cars!!!

I guess I have a slight advantage here. If they destroy the vehicle I drive it doesn't belong to me anyways.

As for money, where would I spend it? Seems to me that the extra weight would slow me down.
I never leave anything of value in my car either at the trail head or at home. I learned my lesson living in Phila for 10 yrs. I had 2 cars stolen and paid for more auto glass from break ins than I want to count. After losing valuables I learned don't keep valuables in the car, keep the glove compartment and other compartments in the car empty and open and keep the floors and the seats empty. If the perps feel there is nothing to steal, they are less likely to break in.

I was disturbed and amused at the link for the skid marked underwear. I had NO idea that someone actually marketed such an item.