Wilderness regulations


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David Metsky said:
The old railroad trestle is still there, even though there was talk of removing it years ago. It is, however, decrepit and a danger to itself and others.
It is no danger to hikers unless they walk on or under which signs forbid. I think it will outlast both of us if the Forest Service leaves it alone.

dug said:
I have a "USDA" map of the White Mtns. that shows a shelter just south of the intersection of Lincoln Brook Trail and Franconia Brook Trail. Not the fairly-recently removed Franconia Falls Campsites. Does anyone recall that?
That is the Camp 9 shelter, I knew it was there but it was removed ~30 years ago and I can't remember if I ever saw it. That was long before Wilderness, it was just run-down as was the area around it.
Thank you, Roy, for the info on Camp 9.

Now that I recall, our first backpacking trip was to 13 Falls, and I can recall my father mentioning something about "Camp 9" and a possibility of staying there. We never saw it...thank goodness that wasn't our plan to stay there!