Window smashed at Ethan Pond TH today

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2005
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The Hinterlands of North Central MA
So, my car window was smashed while parked at Ethan Pond TH today.
2 wallets and gear in the car untouched.

Could it be a hiker hate crime???

Sucks.......cold ride home.
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Hmm... could it have been a bear/animal trying to get something? I know the Ethan Pond area has (or had) a bear problem.
A friend of mine whom I hiked with last weekend told me he pulled into trailhead (I want to say for Liberty Flume) to rest before the long drive home. He saw a car there with a smashed window. The next day while hiking the Kinsmans he noticed broken window glass in that lot as well. From one car just money and not the wallet was taken.
Una Dogger, I'm sorry that happened to you. Thanks for warning/alerting others.
What a shame, but at least nothing was taken.

That's where our car was broken into many years ago. Now we park down by the highway instead of up the hill.

The police officer said that out-of-staters were probably responsible. :rolleyes:
Sorry about that...a real bummer :mad:
that sucks una - to be honest, that has always been one of my major concerns in winter - coming back to a car that is vandalized, flat tire, won't start, etc.

sorry to hear this.
That sucks!

Man, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope the hike went well, very sorry it ended like that. There goes my hope for the human race, again.

I'm sorry to hear of your trouble. What is it with the Whites and all the vandalism? I would have thought there'd be more problems here in NY, especially closer to the city, but I've never heard of any problems down here.

That really sucks.

audrey said:
The police officer said that out-of-staters were probably responsible. :rolleyes:
HaHa, that must be what they decided to tell people to keep tourism up! :mad: I remember my first visit there people gave examples of break ins that happened to them and one person said when they asked the officer if there has been alot he replied it was his 23rd call that day. :eek:

You should have asked when does window break'n SOB hunting season open and if there was a daily bag limit. ;) I think Tim Seaver holds the record for that also. :D
Hope you reported it to the local police and maybe they could do some more random cruising to discourage this behavior.
I think most likely the person got iterrupted by a car pulling in/hikers coming out, but I do remember in Vermont that vandalism of cars was a common enough occurrence at the AT/LT crossing on Rt 103 -- that's what made me question the intent of my break in. Fortunately no confrontations occurred.

Pat and Audrey, we saw cars parked at the base of the hill near 302. They must have known something we didn't. :( I'm sorry you went through this as well.

Am in process of filing police report.
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What is the foundation for a "hiker hate crime"?? What kind of person hates hikers enough to target them for vandalism? More likely than not, it is just some kids out for vandalism and a remote parking lot is an easy target. I don't see the hiker + hate connection.

bikehikeskifish said:
What is the foundation for a "hiker hate crime"?? What kind of person hates hikers enough to target them for vandalism? More likely than not, it is just some kids out for vandalism and a remote parking lot is an easy target. I don't see the hiker + hate connection.


Maybe I should have chosen a less harsh label. :D I was pretty tired when posted...

Why would someone target a hiker for vandalism??

I know in VT the folks I worked with felt that there were people who didn't like hikers, we don't spend enough money as tourists...of course, this is all opinion -- I can tell you that I have coworkers in Vermont who witnessed all of the windshields smashed in the 103 lot more than once on thier morning commutes.. right out there on the main road.

But as was mentioned before, a car at a trailhead is very vulnerable, especially one still there after dark...
My .02, it's kids looking for some kicks, nothing else to do in the North country. At least hikers have winter gear for the cold ride home :confused: :(

IMO, I'd say that while hikers don't spend a lot of money, we tend to spend at local businesses not at the corporate ski area. If you are a big ski area all weekend what local people are you helping, the busboys, wait staff, housekeepers who don't earn a living wage & the stockholders of the ski area.

When I eat in Gorham or stop in at Lowes or stay at a cheaper place, it's going to local business.
Thats too bad that that happened. :( I'm so sorry that you had a chilly ride home. There should be an eye for an eye with this. Have the people responsible take a ride home in a cold car with some smashed window for several hours, see how it feels....

I always worry about this when I go hiking, especially in the winter. But what can you do, realistically? You can't patrol every single trailhead at the same time. I wonder....what can police do, and do they do anything now? Like a patrol loop around the major trailheads a few times a day...
