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  1. TEO

    East Inlet Rd. Closed Indefinitely. No access East Inlet Flowage, Scott Bog Pond, Boundary Pond, Etc.

    New Hampshire Fish & Game Press Release. Due to a prolonged mud season and deterioration of at least one bridge, East Inlet Rd. is closed indefinitely. This means that access to areas east of Rt. 3 north of Second Connecticut Lake is closed, including access from the United Sates to NH200 peaks...
  2. TEO

    Katahdin Ice Climbing Incident, January 1974

    Here's David Goodman's fresh telling of the tragic climb:
  3. TEO

    Boundary Bald Trail Status

    NOTE: The trail to Boundary Bald Mtn. is currently only open on Saturday and Sunday. It is closed Monday through Friday while they make improvements to the road to the trail head that runs along the South side of Boundary Bald. (The road was navigable by a Honda Accord all the way to the...
  4. TEO

    Another Tick Disease Is Here

    Spread from mice to humans via deer ticks, Babesiosis is now endemic in the Northeast.
  5. TEO

    New AMC CEO
  6. TEO

    NOLS Lightning Fatality

    Jack Murphy, a 22 year-old NOLS student from Boston, was killed this past Tuesday by a lightning strike while camping at Enos Lake in the Absaroka Range in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. The group were all at camp in the lightning position when Murphy was struck. Another student was also...
  7. TEO

    East Inlet Road

    East Inlet Road has recently been graded all the way out to Boundary Pond Road, which has also been graded. The entire road is currently navigable by any car. I was driving a Honda Accord, but my old low-clearance Civic would have been fine.
  8. TEO

    Zealand Parking

    It's been a while since I've used the Zealand trailhead. Do I assume correctly that it typically fills up on weekends? If so, by what time?
  9. TEO

    Roy Schweiker, where were you on September 9?

    Roy, is this from 1977 or 1979?
  10. TEO

    Big Attitash Summit Location

    The USGS topo shows four peaks on Big Attitash with 2,900' contours, the Forest Service map shows only two, however based on trip reports it seems like the easternmost peak is the accepted summit. Is that correct?
  11. TEO

    Amazing Grace

    A hiker was found after being lost for two weeks in Zion National Park as the result of a head injury.
  12. TEO

    Found: Lens Cap on Morgan Mtn. (Adk.)

    I found a lens cap near the summit of Morgan Mt. last week. PM me if you think that it might be yours.
  13. TEO

    Mt. Oscar: Views from the Top Indeed!

    If you are looking for an easy hike to reach to reach an exceptional viewpoint, then I would highly recommend Mt. Oscar. It is especially good for late-afternoon/early-evening viewing, as the primary views are to the Southwest. I stumbled upon Mt. Oscar & the view that it offers quite by...
  14. TEO

    "Cushman is a nasty peak."

    The late bushwhacker & VFTT member of some renown, Bill Bowden, once described Mt. Cushman (3,221') with those words on this forum. So it was with some excitement, & perhaps a little trepidation, that we—my friend, Jeff, & my brother, Ben—anticipated our first hike of yesterday in the Hubbard...
  15. TEO

    Women, Endurance, FKTs in the Paper of Record

    Jennifer Pharr had some musings in the New York Times yesterday about the disappearance of a gender gap on long-distance hiking trails when it comes to FKTs.
  16. TEO

    Re. gore mountain, bunnell mountain (née blue mountain), west blue mountain 6/20/13

    Update on the above report: The 0.2 mile point that Bryan describes above is at a fork, there is a gated road on the left and the currently grassier road to the Vickie Bunnell Preserve goes right. There is a small turnaround/space to park just below the gated left fork. NOTE: between this fork...
  17. TEO

    Waternomee Falls, 5/18/14

    The spur path to Waternomee Falls, on the unmaintained western half of the Carr Mountain Trail is easier to follow than guidebooks and TRs led me to believe. There is a sign at the trail junction and the path is light, but obvious. A helpful tip that fellow hikers shared with us today is that...
  18. TEO

    Border Slash Article

    Here's an article that might be of interest to those of us who hike the Northern Frontier: The part about the "substantial fine" may or may not strike fear in the heart of peakbaggers. As for me, I've always thought that Pres...
  19. TEO

    Scar Ridge Traverse, 8/17/13

    It went well, thanks. Arm joined me for a four-peak binge (Noth Loon, West West Scar, Middle Scar, East Scar), & East West Scar thrown in for good measure. We found some thick stuff on the summit of East Scar--a "shitstorm" according to one entry in the summit log. On the descent of East Scar's...
  20. TEO

    Scar Ridge Traverse, 8/17?

    I'm thinking about doing a traverse of Scar Ridge on Saturday from the ski area to the East Pond Trail, and would like to do a car drop. Anyone interested in joining me?