Hunter and SW Hunter

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New member
Apr 7, 2007
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Troy, NY
Park at firetower area. The road to the summit of Hunter packed by a snowmobile and humans. Very nice way to climb Hunter, gradual, and well contoured. After Hunter started for SW Hunter, trail well packed to junction with Becker Hollow than only a single track from a few days along by Hoosier. Reached Devil's Acre lean-to, trail lightly broken, than turned for SW Hunter, following track. Track through some thick evergreen and eventually goes in circles, I guess looking for canister. Continue west through spruce traps, supportive snow, and brittle evergreen. Eventually reached good size rock formation just before summit area. Circle around rocks to next level area and eventually found canister. Snowshoes all day, no need for anything else.

If you go there is a very good herdpath lower down from where I started. Be careful numerous tracks can get confusing.

The old railroad bed used to look like an untended woods road, gradually being encroached upon over the years. When Leavitt Pk(aka SW Hunter) was elevated to 3500er status, a strong herd path started to develop. The railbed has gotten thicker along its edges until fairly recently someone took it upon themself to keep the herd path pruned. :(
While making it more obvious, another step in dumbing down the woods.

Nice trip report from a tough 'whacker.
