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  1. sierra

    Mt. Tremont

    Me and My dog made our third ascent of this fine peak. Trail is in excellent condition, muddy in the middle area, but that is normal there and it's not a big deal. Completely snow free, not much debris on the trail at all. Still blazed quite well. I am curious why on some peaks, like Tremont...
  2. sierra

    Water filter

    I have never filtered water in my hiking career. But, I have found that on hot summer days on long routes, carrying 125 ozs of water is getting old. I haven't done extensive research, but I like the Katadyn Hiker Pro for it's volume and basic operation. I do carry Nalgenes bottles so it's a good...
  3. sierra

    Mt. Parker

    Me and my trusted companion Shay aka the Boy Wonder made our third ascent of Mt. Parker via the Mt. Langdon trail and the Mt. Parker trail. We were met with dry conditions the whole way, there is a small patch of insignificant snow on the final climb to the summit, my dog enjoyed eating some of...
  4. sierra

    Wapack trail Watatic to Windblown ski are NH 9.2 miles. The best laid plans of mice and men.

    Me and a friend, a super nice lady I've hiked with for over two years now off and on, decided to start the Wapack trail on Thursday. I almost backed out, as I worked till 100am the night before and didn't sleep well, but I figured, it's the Wapack and she is slow anyway, I'll just take my time...
  5. sierra

    Mt. Israel with a side trip the Beede Falls.

    Trying to find some snow free routes and Mt. Israel did the trick. It's a nice hike up the Wentworth trail, nothing challenging, just a pleasant hike. I enjoy the section of trail up on the ridge, the way it meanders along to the summit as if not in any hurry. Went down to the summit ledge as...
  6. sierra

    Mt. Watatic

    In my effort to take an occasional break from the current conditions up North, I once again ventured into Massachusetts. I did Mt. Watatic and I have to say, not a bad summit, but the trails are eroded and beat to Hell. You can tell it's a tourist mountain, the walk arounds avoiding the mud are...
  7. sierra

    Mt. Greylock

    First time, I have climbed this mountain and it was a fairly nice hike. I was greeted to an empty parking lot on Easter morning. I had limited knowledge of the mountain, no map and just my Alltrails app. I was pleasantly surprised to find free maps at the trailhead kiosk, I always try to have a...
  8. sierra

    !2k to 13k CO peaks.

    Me and my trusted companion Shay aka the Boy Wonder are going to CO for 2 weeks this summer. If anyone has any good tips on 12k to 13k peaks in the class 2 grade, feel free to share. I know and have spent most of my time on the 14ers, but I'm not looking to go that high with my dog. Rocky...
  9. sierra

    Mt. Wachusett

    I only had 1 day off this week and did not want to fight any more snow and such, it's been a long winter. So, I looked for something new and South, that brought me to Mt. Wachusett. Knew absolutely nothing about the mountain, but I figured, it's pretty small to die on. Ended up going up the...
  10. sierra

    Mt. Cardigan via the West ridge.

    I will say this, Mt. Cardigan has moved up into my top 5 peaks to climb. It has such a diverse choice of routes and the expansive area above tree-line, can give you a variety of conditions as to always keep you entertained. I slept late after working second shift, so I needed something short, I...
  11. sierra

    Starr King

    I scrapped my plans to climb in VT while driving up 89, my dog has a problem with his eye and I felt better staying close to home. I dropped off 89 and headed due East. I ended up near 118 and that allowed me to shoot up to Rumney, then Plymouth to good ole 93. I took out my 52wav list and...
  12. sierra

    Making lemonade

    While many of the hiking community is in mourning over the current "winter" conditions, I am not. Me and my sidekick the Boy Wonder, do not care for deep snow and love these boney to bare conditions. Our top priority this winter is the 5 VT 4ks and we start Jan 1st with Mt. Mansfield. WE will do...
  13. sierra

    New Slide in Crawford Notch?

    I have heard on various 4k sites, that there is a new slide that occurred in Crawford Notch. If anyone comes across any information, I am very curious. Looks like I cannot get up there until the New Year.
  14. sierra

    Mt. Webster

    Working on our list and decided to see how much snow the last storm left in Crawfords. Not sure if I'll get my snowshoes out this year or not, seriously. Took the usual route, Webster/Jackson trail with the fork up Webster. I really like that one-mile ascent through the valley up to Websters...
  15. sierra

    Mt. Israel

    With only one day off (Thursday) and cold temps predicted, I wasn't sure I was going to get out with my dog. I tend to err on the side of caution in regard to my dogs' feet. Having worked till midnight, my plan was to roll out of bed, throw all my gear in the car, yell for the dog and hit the...
  16. sierra

    Middle and North Sugarloaf

    We enjoy these easy peaks and wait for Zealand road to close each year to hike them. We saw nobody and broke trail in 3 to 5 inches of wet snow. It was pretty warm out and we watched the front moving in over the peaks. Nice easy day and our annual Sugarloaf hike went fantastic. #21 for my dogs...
  17. sierra

    Welch and Dickey

    Took a counter-clockwise loop of these two local favorites. It's the way to go in order to ascend the steep slabs, even more important now as the slabs have serious ice covering some of them. Hillshounds did the trick and my dog just walked up the ice, 7.5 miles of road walking a day has his...
  18. sierra

    Mt. Chocorua and Middle Sister

    Champney falls trail up to the ridge junction, Piper to the summit. Jumped on the Middle Sister trail back at the junction and hit MS, took the Middle Sister cut-off on the way down to jump back on the Champney falls trail. Massive ice flows on the cut-off and the switchbacks as usual. My dog...
  19. sierra

    Mt. Hedgehog

    UNH trail counter-clockwise. Had breakfast on Allens ledge, then enjoyed the warm day across the loop. Not too many people and those that were out were nice to chat with. Met some names from netrailconditions and they enjoyed meeting my dog Shay. Little snow and hardly any ice. Nice hike, me and...
  20. sierra

    Mild Winters

    I may be jumping the gun, but I don't really think so. I'm hiking Thursday and I have to re-do my gear for the day based on the warm forecast. The winters are not that tough in the last few years at all. I grew up hiking in the Whites and I know our memories tend to focus on the worst, but I am...