Adams via Lowes Path, Gulfside, Israel Ridge, Randolph Paths

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Grey J

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Jul 24, 2013
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Chattanooga TN

Lowes Path, Gulfside Trail, Israel Ridge Path, Randolph Path, Lowes Path

Lowes Store charges $1.00 to park. The best value in NH.

It was another gorgeous day with blue skies and temps in the 70s. All of the above trails were in good shape although the trail under the power lines at the start of Lowes Path need brushing. Check for ticks. Some wet spots and mud in places but nothing major. No bugs until mid-afternoon on the descent starting on Randolph Path and continuing to about the Log Cabin. Bothersome but not biting. I don't know what they were.

No special equipment.

Hiking solo Monday, I saw a total of 15 hikers all day, most around Thunderstorm Junction and summit. Touched Abigail Adams along the way. She was cold as stone and said nary a word. Made a loop up top by taking Gulfside to Adams 5, then descending via Israel Ridge Path and Randolph Path and returning to Lowes Path. Israel Ridge Path is stunning as it approaches the edge of Castle Ravine with views of the Castellated Ridge. Upper Randolph Path is quite scenic.

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