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There was a thread on here about music on the trails and someone mentioned coming across a hiker with an iPod hooked up to external speakers. That seems it might be a good way to not get mistaken for a deer. Sometimes I feel likely randomly shouting out "I am not a deer". It is not the hunters I see that I worry about it is the ones I don't see.

I am concerned about being offensive.
Seriously - Inge :)
Don't be! It's your life we are talking about here!!!!!
This is a great web site and it will justify you wearing any kind of bell...even sleigh bells.
VT farmers use special paint to mark their cows. We all know how much they resemble deer. :eek: So.....on that note,get yourself some nice bells and be safe out there.
It only takes one bullet to ruin your day.
The last thing I would worry about is being offensive. What I think is MUCH more offensive is hunters who are too lazy to put some distance between them and the trail system. Trail running locally here in Calais, I usually wear an orange hat, bright red gloves, and one of the mesh orange vests, and make a point to give a sharp, loud whistle at terrain transition points (like crests of hills), and especially when entering large pastures where there may be someone along the perimeter in a tree stand with a bad case of buck fever, at a distance where it they may not be able to see much else than "somethin' movin". Ca-click.
Better safe....!

One reason that I consider whether I'm "being offensive" is that some people think that unless you are doing the same activity as them they are not happy to see you. Mountain biking, dirt biking and trail running are not always welcomed?!

Another reason that I take consideration is that some people think that they "own" certain trails, woods, routes, etc. and are not happy to see others enjoying the area. Since hunters have guns, I don't think I'm in a position to offend - even if it is only in there mind. I'd prefer not to be DEAD right.
Keep in mind that we never really know what some people might interpret as "offensive". Your mere presence could be "offensive" to some who believe they "own" the territory during hunting season. Let the "chips" (or bullets) fall where they may.
Personally, I don't like to be too close to anyone with a gun these days. I would much rather save my bells for the bears. However, I do like the idea and would use them if I ever opt to wander in the woods at this time of year, but chances of that are very slim to none.
There are good and bad hunters, drunk and sober drivers, felons and law abiding citizens. We don't have much control over it except to protect ourselves anyway we can within reason.
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