Where to begin????
(Rant on)
If I lose my hiking license, can I buy another, maybe on the black market (or since winter is coming is that the white market) Will that be in the parking lot at PNVC or behind Moat Mt. or Woodstock Inn? (for some reason Truant's seems better for that? maybe a mobile one in a van...)
If it was in the Scott Mason thread I missed it, I did not realize he had volunteered to pay $1,000 up front.
Back in 1995, 11 days after sustaining a chip fracture on one of the bones in my left foot, I limped slowly on four hikes in 16 days, Lafayette & Lincoln, a day hike on the AT in CT, the Osceola's & then Abraham & Ellen. (I always liked Judas Priest) Can I billed for reckless hiking if I did not require a rescue? (I paid for it, it never healed right but the foot had been broken a coupel of times before playing , soccer, BB & VB)
Interesting development on the Baldface Rescue case. A jury of 12 peers (12 flatlanders who can't find the nearest Burger King without a GPS
) is going to determine if a sign on a bald summit is pointing to the true direction (not general direction) of the trail & for a jury used to road signs that say a road turns left then right, why does the trail sign point in one direction, straight. This I think would work great on Lafayette too, if this a sign pointing in the proper direction for Greenleaf & does it show all the turns. A jury with cairns, is the trail on the left side or the right side? It switches? that's confusing can you imagine looking for speed limit signs on the other side of the highway?
Okay I know better & so do you but a lawyer only needs to confuse a non-hiking jury. That's shouldn't be hard, even better if you can get the case heard in a Federal court. Can NH force a NJ or PA plaintiff to there court? Since ME has a similar rule & you were in the WM NATIONAL Forest why is NH the state trying the case.
The girls got a bill because they did not tell anyone their plans but in the recent Owl's Head SAR & Scott's case, it was people at home that initiated the search the hikers did not really need, can we have some clarification from the state here, how can both be wrong?!?!?! Should I have people at home know where I am in case I am overdue or not!!!!
Free rescues in a National Park? Now there was something I missed in all the old lets have a White Mountain National Forest threads from years gone by.
Prepared for a night out, by who's definition? Do I need a tent for a day hike on Middle Sugarloaf in May? (People at work think I just need a hotel reservation) If I bring an Axe, I'm prepared to cut down trees for a shelter, some lighter fluid (does DEET burn) & a lighter, I'm prepared to build a fire to keep warm. It's lighter than fleece, a tent, a pad, I'll go old school with fir branches to replace the pad.
What,the forest service used to have more shelters but they removed them or did not replace them? how can you have poorly marked trails & then not care of shelters & then be upset when I cut down trees & branches to spend the night, the Wilderness Act is irresponsible & needs to be changed! (how silly but I just need a city lawyer to explain it to a city jury)
Just have to convince a jury I'm too stupid to know that might be irresponsible. (But hey, I left my family at home while I risked my life climbing Mt. Washingtoin in the winter, that's stupid & irresponsible Mr. (or Ms.) Jury Foreman. Drive up in a snowstorm to walk in the woods, hiked with abroken foot or without my cell phone, see, I've been stupid all my life (why don't I have a reality TV show?
) I'll skip the part about my wife suggesting the hike when she saw the Life Insurance policy...
(Rant off)
Scarier than the news story was the side bars showing six easy ways to ("shudder") join the evil empire!