Jan. 10th presentation on my trek in India


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Jun 22, 2004
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jamaica plain, ma
If anyone is interested, I will be giving a presentation on Wednesday, January 10th at AMC's Pinkham Notch Visitor Center on my two-week trek through West Bengal and Sikkim, India that I did last April. (If I knew how to link to my VFTT trip report, I would, but I don't, so I can't--just search under "Sikkim" and you will find it!)

This presentation is part of Pinkham's international dinner series: every Wednesday between January 3 and March 7, they feature a specific country's cuisine and a relevant outdoor adventure/natural history presentation afterwards. See the attached document for more information. The featured cuisine on January 10th is Indian...obviously...so if you like spicy food and want to see beautiful photos of Kanchenjunga and hear stories of leeches and more, please come if you can!

I'd love to see some familiar (or at least friendly) VFTT faces in the audience...and if I've never met you, please introduce yourself!

Any chance of scheduling another presentation in Jan or Feb ? Maybe on one of those long weekends at the Pinkham Notch, Highland Center or somewhere else up there (Bar/restaurant) ?
Chip, I'd love to be able to do another presentation on a weekend, but I don't know if they (Pinkham and Highland Center) will have room for me, since they often plan their programs pretty far in advance. I will certainly look into it though!

I figured my mid-week placement might present a challenge for anyone who doesn't live right near by...Seema, I'd be absolutely honored if you and Brian came, but don't feel like you have to! It's only going to be about a 45 min - 1 hour presentation, and you can have Indian food any day :)


Bob give it at the winter gathering?


This is a great idea if Mr. UnfrozenCaveman agrees and you can make it! I would enjoy learning about your trip but can't make the 1.10.07 date. I have portable screens if it helps...(not a joke this time).
I should be able to make it if the weather is good that night. Pinkham's only about half-hour away for me. Looking forward to it!
Made my reservation!


I made my reservation today. I am so looking forward to seeing your presentation. I remember the day we "met" on 93 North when you pulled up beside me and signed VFTT. I am really looking forward to meeting you in person and not just through a car window. ;) See you in Jan! :)
Thanks so much, those of you who are coming and to those of you who have offered support!

As for the winter gathering and a boston potluck, I'm open to it, but we could always do something a bit more informal...let me think about it...I'd also want to run that idea by UFC and wouldn't want to compete with Grey Knob and the Bluffs, because they'd win out for sure...

-katie :)
Just wanted to bump this thread up in case anyone else can make it last minute!

I also plan to be at the winter gathering, and will have my presentation with me on my laptop for anyone that wants to see photos.

Looking forward to seeing some of you at Pinkham on Wednesday night!

Major "WOW!" factor!

I had the extreme pleasure of attending Katie's presentation last night on her trek through India. It was incredible! Her pictures were breathtaking! Especially when you consider how little the photos capture of what the eye actually sees. Her photos made me want to endure the leeches just so I could view the Himalayas from the same vantage points she did. And her relaying of her experiences while there was so engaging that the audience felt as it if she had taken us along and introduced us to the people she had met. I am so glad I went! It was both an honor and a pleasure to meet Katie in person and spend time talking with her during dinner. She is a really wonderful and interesting person, in addition to being an excellent presenter. I am so glad I had the opportunity to experience her fascinating trip without actually having to experience the leeches. ;) Well done, Katie, and thank you so much! :)
Roxi - Thanks from all of us for representing VFTT at the presentation. I know that most of us would have loved to see/hear it, but we had work/driving/party prep in front of us - keeping us away.

Turns out Gatherings with Grey Knobs present just wouldn't support a second presentation!! Her smile should be trademarked and lucky were we who lounged in caveman's upstairs lounge to hear her entertain us on the piano!!

Katie, keep it fresh and get us together to see your trip!
Roxi, it was so fun to meet you in person! Thanks so much for coming, I sincerely appreciate it--I enjoyed our conversation over dinner, which I credit for taking all traces of nervousness away!

There were 65 people there, mostly locals, so I consider the night a success. I'd love to do it again for the VFTT crowd sometime - as Bubba said, there was just no competing with the band at the gathering (and rightly so!).

Perhaps I'll try to put something together in the Boston area this spring, or at a future gathering for the non-Boston area folks. I appreciate the fact that so many people asked me over the weekend about the photos, it just never seemed like the right time. I'll get back to you all when I get it together.

thanks! :)