SherpaKroto Injury

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giggy said:
I told him about the rainier 2005 stats and that he was part of the 44% of unguided climbers to summit in 2005 - as crazy as it sounds as that fact means nothing now - he has more imprtant things on his mind - when I told him this - his spirits seemed very uplifted to hear this and there was proud joy in his voice :D :D
When I spoke to Sherpa, I was touched by how proud he was of his Rainier Trip. Not in a "I'm so great, look at me..." way -- in a way that I felt like it really really meant something to him and he felt good about himself for it. So, I tip my cap to SK -- Hey dude, here's to hoping that we can get ya back out on the trails again some day soon. I know it'll be tough but I don't think anyone here is gonna give up hope that you'll be back in action again!!

-Dr. Wu
I visited SK last night; he's been moved into rm 323 at Woburn HealthSouth and expects to be there about 10 days before going home. He is fully stocked with Mountain Dew, listening to Sox games, and very, very eager to get outside (unlike those of us hiding from the pollen, but I digress...). So far so good: the clots are dissolving and the body's healing, albeit quite slowly. His 'tude is the same as it ever was! :)
Thanks MJ. Good news. I thought I should send over a card, and believe this address info from my search is correct...

Health South
2 Rehabilitation Way
Woburn, MA 01801
(781) 358-2000

(who named that street??) :rolleyes:
Now if only the Sox can play a few good games so he can have some fun listening unlike last nights debacle!
Thank goodness he was watching Survivor instead of listening to that travesty!!!
May Day! May Day!

Hi All,

I am running out of thank you's, but to all who have travel to see Paul, and some have traveled across state and country lines, we are so humbled by your unselfish love and genuine concern. We have family that can't hold a candle to your support and encouragement.

Sorry I haven't posted sooner, but I was taught if you have nothing good to say say nothing.

He needs you more than ever!! You sustain his hopes of returning to his beloved mountains and craazy friends..

But that's ok he is a wonderful Husband, Father and Friend, and has certainly pulled his weight( no surprise to you all I Know). So It is my priveledge to take care of the kindest, anal retentive man I know.

He is praying to be home by his Birthday May 9th, but I know his real worry is to be able to see Kayla graduate on June 9th. In my heart I have to believe God has heard his silent prayers and would not take this precious event away from him.

OK,, the nitty grirtty... no change with his eyes, ears or cognitinve skills, He is a skinny Sk approx 43lbs thinner, the hard way. He is concerneed at his loss of muscle mass , which we both think is a little ironic..

His spirits are low it has been 43 long days and hwe is hanging on by a short thread.. He talks a good game , but he needs all the contact he can get..

When and I do hope soon, He returns home any and all visits are welcomed.. If you need to stay I will be hapy to welcome you all into our home..

I guess I sound desperate, I'm fine but so sad for my Paul, he definatly didn't deserve the cards he's been dealt..

Ok enough..
I love you all and I can't wait to meet those of you I have never met and to see those of you I have had the peasure to meet before..

You are all a part of SK's family now..

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SherpaK's hiking exploits are almost legendary around here, but what has always set him above the crowd is his commitment to having fun.

Right now, he traveling some pretty rough stretch of trail. While he must follow it, I'm sure his friends will do whatever they can to make sure that he isn't walking this stretch alone. I'm a relative newbie, but I've learned that even the worst mile of trail is bearable with good comapny.

Elle, be strong. Healing is process, and (by our perspective) a slow one at best. He's lucky he has such a great wife and family beside him. Whenever you need something, just reach out. SherpaK has been an inspiration to a great many people, and (at the risk of being presumptious) the online hiking community would be grateful for a chance to reciprocate all the good cheer he has brought into our lives.

May God bless you and your family in these trying times. He was a great man before the injury... now he's a great man with an injury. We're all hoping and praying for a full recovery - and we're shouting it from the mountaintops.

Thanks as always for giving us an update. It's very sobering to realize just how much life has changed for you all.

I hope that the love and support from this crowd will help Paul find the path that leads him back to the mountains. We are all pulling for him and for you and Kayla.

McRat said:
SherpaK's hiking exploits are almost legendary around here, but what has always set him above the crowd is his commitment to having fun.
(Elle don't read any of this, it isn't true)
Reading this I thought you knew a different person until I finished the sentence! I was thinking that I've partied more than hiked with Sherpa... but then again there's that mileage situation so I only show up for parties! :D I might have to move the word legendary closer to having fun!!

Elle, read this...
MrsSherpaKroto said:
If you need to stay I will be hapy to welcome you all into our home..
Elle, I think you should find Spencer's post about the ADK BBQ. It goes something like this: "the first year there were 30, the next there were 45 and last year there were 70+" Mostly, we don't need bedding, just lawn space. We neatly line up the tents in a radiating arc -- a pleasure for the neighbors, I'm sure. :eek: By the way, can you rent a shelter from the local volunteer fire department -- it's all about what we're used to!! :rolleyes:

Seriously, glad fo all the updates. I'm praying for the dim light to get a bit of a sparkle in it indicating some light at the end of the long tunnel ahead. May 9th will happen. Count on it!!

McRat said:
He was a great man before the injury... now he's a great man with an injury.
To Elle & Paul;

Keep your spirits up & don't believe everything the MD's say. My wife just gave a speech at the Eastern CT State University's Health & PE awards dinner on Monday as the Guest Speaker & an alumni. Back in 2003 she spent 20 days in ICU in a coma due to a demylinating condition they never diagnosed the cause.

Upon waking up she could not see or hear out of her right eye & ear or move her legs. The Professionals gave her opinions that ranged from; We don't know what will come back TO she will remain blind & deaf on her right side. They thought she would regain some mobility but playing tennis, driving a car without hand controls & whether she could teach PE again was unknown & doubtful.

Now almost three years later, she is playing tennis, giving the kids piggyback rides & driving long distances. The trip from Coma to Jersey Shore took months rehabbing, three wheelchairs, a walker & a cane but was done contrary to what many experts believed. She went back to work in 09/2004, 15 months after entering the hospital.

He can do it, they don't know who he is or what he is capable of doing. Never give up!
Yes, what Mike said. We all know he will make a rapid recovery - once he gets out of that damn hospital and can start doing his own thing. :)
Just wanted to pass on this email that I got from a co-worker of Sherpa's for the last 9 years:

Figuring that the first place Sherpa would ever go to on the Internet would be your website, I recently came across the various posts regarding Paul's injury. I have worked closely with Paul at State Street for the past 9 years. All of us here are constantly thinking about him and wishing/praying for his recovery. Seeing all the outpouring of good wishes is such a positive thing for Paul. I attempted to register for the site to post a comment for Paul & Elle to see. However, it appears as though no new members are being allowed. Thus, would it be possible for you to post the following:

Sherpa or as we know you (Quadrant Idiot Servant), the first place I knew to look would be this forum. I wanted to let you know that you are in all of our thoughts and that I am constantly asked about how you are doing. I get the reports from CB and then pass them along to so many. It is awesome to see the outpouring of kindness that I have seen on this forum. I hope you know that we all miss you and hope for you to return to work in the Fall. We are thinking and praying for you and that includes the following folks: Chris, Huy, Paul, Sarah, Michele, Donna, Mike, Phil, your morning Bagel man, Deb P., Vladimir, Lorraine, Deb J., Joe W., Matt, Paul M., Raju and Mr. Bob.

Keep your spirits up and dreams high for they will all come to you in time. All the best - PD.
You are loved by many.
You have raised the consciousness of those you have touched.

I offer the Mantra of the Medicine Buddha.
Many Blessings and a speedy recovery.

om namo bhagawate beshajye guru
vaidurya prabha rajaya tathagataya
arhte sammyaksambuddhaya tadyatha
om bheshajye beshajye maha beshajye
beshajye rajaya samungate svaha

Brenda (Seeker) and I spent two hours with the boy tonight. Rest assured, his sense of humor and ability to spin shaggy dog stories remain intact. Without a doubt he has a long tough road ahead of him, but as he remarked this evening about someone else, Sherpa is remarkably well-equiped to handle what has been placed in his path.

Thanks to PosterBoy and Chickety, he is now equiped with a summit register for those who are willing to take the arduous off-trail journey to reach him. Make sure you sign in when you visit, he's always happy seeing folks who stop by.

If things work out well, he'll be headed home shortly. He's hard at work on his PT/OT/etc to make sure he gets to watch the BoSox on his 50" flat screen TV at home rather than listening to the games on a scratchy AM radio. He's touched by everyone's concern for him and his family, and impressed that this thread has passed the "Mooning the Cog" thread in length.

He's a remarkable fellow.

Mtnpa (Mike) & I went to see Sherpa Wednesday. He was in good spirits.
He does have a long way to go...but with our help he can make it!
Sherpa has touched so many of our lives. If you can spare any time
at all please stop by to say hello. Mike and I got the pleasure of meeting
Mrs. SherpaKroto at the hospital. She is just so over whelmed with
working 40 hrs ...with Sk being in the hospital and then with Kayla graduating in June. One can only do so much. Tuesday is Sk's
birthday maybe you could send him a card. Thanks!

Paul Croteau
328 Haverhill Street
North Reading, MA 01864
It was wonderful to see Paul. While he's still his old self in many ways, he will definitely need our contact and support going forward for many months. As he said, "My dance card is empty," and even though being home will be wonderful, he will have a lot of time on his hands. Being a gregarious sort, you can imagine that will be a big challenge! I believe visits will be very welcome--even just to hang out and watch a game.

He was amazed that this thread was still going and it was also clear how touched he was by how many people expressed support--especially folks he had never met.

I can only hope his being at home helps boost both he and Elle's spirits.
I Am Home!!!

Yesterday felt like Christmas! I was released from Rehab at 4:00, and my Son Andrew came to pick me up. It was incredible to just sit in his truck feeling the wind on my face and rejoin the real world. Just before he picked me up I saw a neuro-opthmolo guy and was fitted with a prismatic lens that helps me with my vision. Not a solution, but an aid. Suffice it to say that I now see a single image (oh well, there go the twin fantasies...)

Tough putting down all that I would like to say. You have all touched me and my family in ways that you cannot imagine. My folks in Florida have been reading the thread and know just how lucky we are to count all of you as our friends. On many days, you really helped me get through the day. More than you will ever know.

It will be tough to thank all of you individually for all that you have done for me, whther it be a kind word, phone call, card, visit, etc. I haven't even gotten through the mail yet! While I am home, I am still very weak: I've not walked more than 300 feet yet, and could only walk 100 outdoors. It will take me awhile to get back. Because of the clots, and subsequent blood thinning, I will not be able to hike, ski, climb, etc for over a year. I'm expecting that it will be 6 months to a year before I return to work (Elle may have been a bit premature on me not returning to State Street - I hope to be able to return, and know they will have me. In the meantime, I welcome all of you to visit me, and hope to get out and about as soon as possible (I'm shooting for early June)

Anyway, sorry to ramble a bit, but I just want you all to know that I love you dearly for all that you've done for me. I certainly do not feel worthy of this outpouring of affection, but I can definitely say it feels damn good! Thank you all so much!

Now, on with the healing! :)