When all you need is a blue hill or two


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grouseking said:

Are they hard to get to? I'd love to check it out some nice spring afternoon, or possibly during raspberry season. :D


The best place for rasberry (that I know of) is somewhere around the Wampatuck Hill on Skyline, east of rt28 near Braintree. Here is the direction.

I hike Blue Hill quite often and was once spotted a small deer. I've never seen a deer outside of a zoo, certainly do not expect to see one roaming around so close the Boston. Pretty cool.

And I have one trivia to share... Ever wonder what the GBH in WGBH (Boston Public station) stand for? Yup, they stand for Great Blue Hill. The reason why they named the station after the highest point in greater Boston area is because their first antena tower was built atop the Great Blue Hill.

Here is a map. But as Chas has noted you can buy a good trail map from the museum (also @ the Police HQ)
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