Yellow Lady's Slipper

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Jun 7, 2004
Reaction score
Westminster, MA
I would love to add a Yellow Lady's Slipper to my wildflower photo collection but have yet to find one. Any location suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Flatlander_SG said:
I would love to add a Yellow Lady's Slipper to my wildflower photo collection but have yet to find one. Any location suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Caution (note to people in general, not the original poster): please do not post the location on-line as the various yellow Cypripedium species are rare/endangered in many states and there have been documented instances of theft from public and private lands.

If you have a good suggestion, please PM the original poster.

Some non-sensitive information for the orchid afficionado is that yellow lady's slippers tend to grow in circumneutral or calcareous (not acidic) swamps/bogs. Also, the Garden in the Woods in Framingham, MA does propagate them for sale & you may be able to get a good photo there (it wouldn't be in its native surroundings however).

Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate it. I haven't heard from anyone else. The funny thing is that when we first purchased our home in Westminster, MA, about 25 years ago, there was one lone yellow lady slipper on our property. I really looked forward to seeing it each year and then one year, it just didn't come up. I did some research on the web and found out that a lady slipper can remain dormant for up to 100 years and will reappear when the soil conditions are "perfect". Maybe next year............

Thanks again.
