Hale, Zealand, S & N Twin (Fire Warden, Lenda-a-Hand, Twinway, North Twin Trail)


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Date of Hike: Saturday, September 4th

Trail Conditions: All trails are in excellent shape with very little muddy or wet spots. Fire Warden Trail easy to follow once on it. Only went across third water crossing on North Twin Trail and it was an easy rock hop and lower than last month so crossings 1 and 2 are probably easy to rock hop to. The lader step on the short steep rock on the Twinway is missing two rungs but is no problem to get up just use caution.

Comments: Great day for a hike, good weather and good views. Hiked with Bob & Geri, Chris, Chris, and Mike. Thanks for letting me tag along! Pics and Report here http://dailey7779.blogspot.com/2010/09/date-of-hike-8410-north-twin-trail-1.html

Name: Chris

email: [email protected]