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  1. Undershaft

    Hurricane/Extreme Lighters

    I have one of those hurricane lighters. The one I have is made by UST. It's windproof, waterproof, and it floats. I bought it to carry on my kayak after losing a brand new Bic overboard. I think it was around $20 at West Marine, but...
  2. Undershaft

    Lyme Disease Study and Hikers Along AT

    I'd like to share a link regarding ticks on the Appalachian Trail. Back in July I was hiking on the AT in Vermont and met this guy doing a study of tick populations at shelters and campsites. He was very interesting to talk to and interviewed myself and a couple other hikers at Stoney Brook...
  3. Undershaft

    Just for Laughs, Most Annoying Hiking Partner Behaviors

    I feel the same way! I much prefer going solo. I can set my own pace, take breaks whenever I want, stop and look at anything that catches my interest(geology, plants, etc.) without imposing on anyone else. That's why I won't join groups in the mountains....I would be the annoying guy! That...
  4. Undershaft

    Hammocking at Guyot Campsite?

    Thanks Thanks for the information, thats exactly what I needed to know. It will be much easier carrying my hammock than my tent, which is three pounds heavier. Tom, its been about seven years since I camped at Liberty Springs, but I met a thru-hiker there who used a hammock and found trees...
  5. Undershaft

    Hammocking at Guyot Campsite?

    I'm planning a trip to the Bonds next week and I intend to stay at Guyot Campsite. I've never been to Guyot before so I was wondering if there are trees at the campsite suitable for hanging a hammock?
  6. Undershaft

    Another take on Carrigain 9/11/11

    ....I cried
  7. Undershaft

    Solitude and sunrise on Mt. Willey

    Great TR and some really nice pictures! Thank you for sharing. That ledge on Mt. Willey is one of my favorite views in the Whites.
  8. Undershaft

    2011 VFTT Stickers and Patches

    New Stickers First time on the site in a while. You don't know how happy I am to find out stickers are available again. I'm still a little mad at the person who rear ended my car and wrecked my VFTT sticker. Thank you for taking the time and effort to provide this service. My order is in...
  9. Undershaft

    NH Tornado

    Rats! I'm $698,998 dollars short. Thanks for the info. The USGS link is pretty cool. It turns out there are a fair number of places with the name Trask attached in diverse areas of the country. I was only familiar with two of them. Both named after the rich Trasks from the other side of...
  10. Undershaft

    Considering trying poles next time...

    Poles and Injuries When I first got into hiking and backpacking five years ago, I did not use poles. I thought they were over-hyped, over-priced pieces of Backpacker magazine propaganda. Then I fell. I was doing a Mahoosuc Range traverse and slipped, banging my right knee against a rock. I...
  11. Undershaft

    8-10-08 Liberty and Flume

    Nice pictures! Looks like you had a good day up there. When I did that hike a few years ago the sky was so hazy I could barely see Mt. Lincoln from the summit of Liberty. To this day, Liberty is still one of my favorite summits.
  12. Undershaft

    Recommended Reading?

    Thanks for all the great suggestions. Hopefully I'll be getting up to the mountains next week (finally) and I'm looking forward to bringing some new reading material with me. I found a couple of the suggested titles in the bookstore and I'm going to try the library tomorrow.
  13. Undershaft

    Recommended Reading?

    Great suggestions! I've heard of a couple of those titles and I will look for all of them. Funny you should mention A Walk In The Woods, I just plucked that off the shelf and was rereading the parts where Bryson hikes in New England. Keep the suggestions coming. I'm between jobs right now...
  14. Undershaft

    Mt Field/Tom

    I did the exact same route last September after a day of heavy rain and had no issues at all with the stream crossings. They may be a little worse after prolonged rain, but shouldn't be too difficult. Going down the Avalon trail was a little tricky. It is kinda steep and rocky and if it's wet...
  15. Undershaft

    Recommended Reading?

    I just finished rereading The Last Season by Eric Blehm. It's an excellent book about a backcountry Ranger who went missing while on patrol in King's Canyon National Park. I enjoyed it very much(again), however I can't really relate to the High Sierra's. I'm looking for some books in a...
  16. Undershaft

    NH Tornado

    Where exactly is "Trask Hill"? I've never heard of it, but I'd like to know more about it. My last name is Trask and I'm always surprised and amused when the name pops up. Trask is not a terribly common surname.
  17. Undershaft

    I hiked the Pemi Loop, turned around, and tried to do it again

    Wow! That's some serious hiking. You took on a massive challenge and came away with a major accomplishment. Congrats!
  18. Undershaft

    ghost stories?

    LOL! That's funny. I've seen a few other variations of that gag elsewhere on the web. It always gets me too. As for books, Passing Strange by Joseph Citro is one of my favorites. Lots of neat stories about New England, most of which I had not previously read.
  19. Undershaft

    Nin is retiring (for cat lovers)

    I've never met Nin, but I've enjoyed looking at the photos of him and the other summit cats. I think it's great that the MWO has a resident cat or two. I hope I get the chance to meet the new observatory cat and I wish Nin well in his retirement. This thread has made me very happy and very...
  20. Undershaft

    That stinks!

    The only scent that really bothers me is perfume. Some women smell like they bathed in the stuff. It gives me a headache and makes me want to vomit. I'm not a big fan of cologne either. My nose isn't very sensative, but after a few days on the trail I notice a lot more artificial scents...