Camp Dodge Trail??

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Sgt. Pepper

New member
Aug 3, 2022
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New to this site and beyond grateful to be here, quick question ….
My daughter and I are hiking up to the Carters and over to the Carter notch hut this weekend. I was hoping to find out if the Carter dodge logging trail is “ok” to use?? Wasn’t sure if walking through the camp was frowned upon?? Hoping to park at the great golf trail head parking lot. Any info would be appreciated
Someone I know did it last week and didn't mention any brushing or signage that it was closed. They probably should post it officially. (Although I would think people staying at the camp would continue to use it. It's too bad some people wandering around buildings and parking where they shouldn't cause an issue.)
It is not that hard to follow the contour line south rather than going down into Camp Dodge and popping out onto the power line right of way. Its been a long time since I was in that area but our scouts used to harvest balsam fir branches from a wildlife clearing that the FS maintained up there.

I did hear of this unofficial closure but never found a FS closure document. Kind of tough keeping the public out of USFS lands but they probably wrapped it in the negotiations for the new special use permit issued prior to AMC spending a lot of capital in the area.