Pack Monadnock

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Ed'n Lauky

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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Blairsville GA ......... Avatar-- On top of S
The large parking area was empty when we arrived and mostly empty when we got back. The trails were all dry today. It was the first time since early November that I didn't see any snow or ice at all.

The bugs were fairly thick but not too much of a problem as long as you kept moving. The bugs in questions were black flies and while swarming they weren't biting. I tried out three types of repellent today. I tried a new Coleman product that's Deet free called Skin Smart. It is odorless. Best I could tell it had no effect at all on the flies. I had a 30 deet spray that worked to a certain extent. I thought the Eucalyptus spray was the most effective.

We went up the Wapack trail. It starts off with a bang. As soon as you cross the park road you start ledge climbing. There were a few spots along this trail that offered good views towards Monadnock. The summit of Pack Monadnock offers views in several directions including Boston, but it was too hazy today to see that far.

We took the Wapack trail to North Pack Monadnock. We took the cliff trail on the way back. It also has some good views. There are a couple of spots on this trail that need to be followed with care but in general it was fairly easy to follow. We descended from the summit of Pack Monadnock by the Marion Davis trail. Not much in the way of views on this trail but it is an easier trail than the parallel section of the Wapack trail.

Despite the prediction of rain we had a clear blue sky all morning with clouds building in the early afternoon. All in all it was a nice day.

This was the last of our farewell hikes in Southern NH. A few left to go in the Whites.

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