Welch & Dickey Mtns Loop, april 3d


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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2005
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Waltham, Mass.

Hardly any snow at the trailhead. A few shallow mud patches low down, mostly shallow packed snow. A few postholes were visible where an unwary hiker found a drifted-over gully or stream, but these were rare.
Trail was mostly "packed slush"; even the icier areas were bare-bootable in the early afternoon heat.

Snow cover gradually increased with altitude, but never got deep enough to require snowshoes even off-trail.

The steep-ish south-facing slabs of Welch Mtn were mostly snow-free and almost dry. A few shady spots were a bit slippery, but plenty of folks managed in bare boots despite some exposure.

Summits of Welch and Dickey mostly snow-covered. Slabs on the soutwest arm of Dickey mostly snow-free.

Significant gusts on the summits, but overall very warm weather. I greatly enjoyed a couple of leisurely snack breaks.

Gear: all trails bare-bootable, but light traction and/or poles reassuring in a few brief spots or in case of an overnight freeze. Leave the snowshoes behind and don't overdress.

Blowdowns: none

Water crossings: very easy (1 crossing at the start of the counter-clockwise loop. Snow-free, low water)

Thanks again to the gent who picked up my dropped gloves.

Some photos here: Welch-Dickey Loop
The photos are not an unbiased sampling. The sun was so bright it caused terrible contrast problems in photos with snow on the ground, so the published photos tend to be of snow-free spots.