Why is it…?


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Sep 3, 2003
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DM’s comment in his trip report: “hoards of hikers who insisted on passing us en masse, then stopping in the middle of the trail” comment reminded me of a peeve I often encounter –

I'm coming up the trail and see a group stopped for a break ahead of me. No big deal, it’s just me and I can skirt by them. Then they see me, watch as I approach, and seem to wait until I’m right there and then they decide to get going, filling into the trail (if not already there taking their break), putting on packs, etc., with me having to say ‘passing’ or some such in order to get through.

Why is it? Does that happen to you?

What’s your ‘Why is it…?’
My pet peeve;

Why is it when I catch up to a group that is hiking and let out a friendly "hello!", they acknowledge my presence behind them, and then fail to let me pass?

Don't they realize that I did not start out hiking with them? and if I caught up to them that maybe I'm hiking a little faster than they are?

Hummmm, I notice the same thing on I-95 in the passing lane...
Yes, both of the above, especially on the Franconia Ridge loop. Groups rush along, get totally out of breath, and collapse just long enough for us to pass them, then we immediately have to step aside to let them fly by. And so goes the leapfrogging up the trail...but what's worst are the heathens trampling the plants on Little Haystack. I can't eat lunch there any more.
Have you ever tried talking with the 'heathens' about the fragile alpine plants?? I think sometimes visitors to the area are not aware of the fragility of the plants and just need a friendly reminder :)

I speak to people now and then, but what do you do when there are 10 or 20? I'm not that brave. Maybe we could give out candy bars with "Don't step on me" notes on them in French and English.
My pet peeve or why is it....Being asked while hiking into Tucks on a Spring Ski Day by someone I don't know.."Do you have any Water or Food"? :confused: :rolleyes:
skiguy said:
My pet peeve or why is it....Being asked while hiking into Tucks on a Spring Ski Day by someone I don't know.."Do you have any Water or Food"? :confused: :rolleyes:
I just say "Why, yes, I do" and walk on ...
Hmmmmmmmmmm......if someone is asking me for water or food I would guess they are really in need of it, otherwise why would they ask?
i would say my pet peeve mirror Carole's & onesteps. Granted my passing of people is usually downhill so at least I'm not huffing & puffing. IMO most groups feel better letting me pass instead of me lurking behind them. Carole on the otherhand looks harmless. (Carole & Dave can attest i usually don't look as clean cut as my avatar might suggest)

I've had only a couple of groups insist on staying ahead of me, both times in the ADK's. I have also had a large group on one or two occasions sit on the entire summit of a couple of small summits making it hard to stay in the trail.

As far as people styaing in the passing lane, apparently the MA drivers are afraid of us in CT more than of each other, they get out of my way most of the time, if they don't I just go around them & let them continue talking or texting in the fast lane....
It's the same people who will pass you on the road and then pull in front of you and procede to slow down about 5mph than the speed you are currently driving... :rolleyes:

My pet peeve is folks who think that leantos aren't shared and/or people taking over viewpoints thinking that it's their space and you should move on or climb all over them to get a view.

apparently the MA drivers are afraid of us in CT more than of each other, they get out of my way most of the time,

My daughter used to live in CT. I can understand why they feel that way. ;)
Usually if a large group passes me and then I see them resting up ahead, I will stop below them and take a short break myself rather than deal with the inevitable leapfrogging. People who trample the flora piss me off and I will say something if they seem even remotely receptive. If they are knuckle dragging Neanderthals, I do not see the point.
I hate people - well, more specifically people that do not return a greeting...Bobby and I ran into a few of these aliens on the Wilderness Trail last week on the way out..."Hi" and "Good Afternoon" were greeted with blank, 10,000 yard stares...of course, I also work with some aliens like this, so perhaps it is just me...

Just return the "hello" - I do not want to marry you, hike with you, lecture you about what you are doing wrong (like I would know), or follow you home - a simple hello back would suffice...
Just return the "hello" - I do not want to marry you, hike with you, lecture you about what you are doing wrong (like I would know), or follow you home - a simple hello back would suffice...

Really, maybe I should stop proposing to the females I pass... All I get are blank stares.. and then they start hiking faster... sheesh. :D

I get annoyed at the cyclists I pass on my way too work who think they are either too important to wave back or think they're in the TdF and ignore you... Even if I'm not in a position to wave (i.e. taking my hands off my handlebars) I will at least nod at them or say "hello"...

Pet Peeve ? Yes, I hate dogs. Sapblatt hate people, I hate dogs on trails.

This thread is about pets, right ? I'm not sure anymore, maybe you should give me one of Audrey's candy, us french canadians learn better with dog training methods.

What is that thread about ? Stuff we hate about other hikers ? Like : I hate when other hikers look at me and judge me ?
Whatever happened to "Alligator Eggs" or immediately going nutzo and attacking everyone in sight? Things change...

-Dr. Wu
Perhaps these are the same people who posthole through a trail that has been broken-in by snowshoers?
timmus said:
Pet Peeve ? Yes, I hate dogs. Sapblatt hate people, I hate dogs on trails.

This thread is about pets, right ? I'm not sure anymore, maybe you should give me one of Audrey's candy, us french canadians learn better with dog training methods.

What is that thread about ? Stuff we hate about other hikers ? Like : I hate when other hikers look at me and judge me ?

Julie - that reminds me - I also hate people who cannot control their dogs on the trail...had a full size lab jump on a four year old earlier this year - when the Mrs. said "you should put your dog on a leash" she was told back "you should put your kid on a leash." This is in a reservation where it is required that you leash your dog...I love dogs, but I do not know if yours if friendly, and frankly, I do not have the desire to find out - I act first...