The Timp and West Mountain (Hudson Highlands)

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Date of Hike: 2/16/08

Trail Conditions: Started at 9W just North of the Anchor Monument and headed up the Timp-Torne Trail. It was mostly muddy but there were some icy spots in the higher elevations that required traction. The Northwest descent down The Timp was very icy and traction was a must. Headed up West Mountain to the shelter and hooked up with the AT down to Seven Lakes Drive. We planned on heading back over Dunderberg Mountain but we were running low on time and took the 1777 Trail through Timp Pass back to 9W. This was perhaps the worst section regarding ice. Once again, traction! Walked the road for about a half mile or so. No traction necessary there!

Special Equipment Required: Some form of traction definitely necessary.

Comments: It was a beautiful day and the views from The Timp and West Mountain were just phenomenal. Doodletown was peculiar but we didn't have much time to stop and look at any of the ruins. Maybe next time I'll summit mighty Dunderberg.