Madison & Adams via Valley Way. Five loops of "48" this year.

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Date: Sunday, November 30.

Conditions: Valley way booted and badly postholed. No current chance of making a
decent snowshoe track.
Ideal cramponing, on styrafoam type snow fields, above tree-line.
Temps in teens, with very light breeze from the southwest.
100+ mile visability to the north & west. Mansfield in Vermont, and
Saddlebacks in Maine, easily sighted.

Epuipment: Full winter gear. Full crampons, etc.

Comments: About as good as it gets in the presi's. Solid snowfields from bottom to
top. As stated above, "stryrafoam" type snow, which was ideal for full
crampons. Put crampons on at Madison Hut. Left them on for remainder
of day above tree-line, and for about a mile, on the way out, going down
Valley Way. Start 6:53 AM. Finish 3:16 PM.
Mt Adams completed my "5th loop" of the "NH 48" for this calendar year.
Currently 302 "Official" four thousand footers for calendar year 2008.
My thanks to all who join me on so many of my hikes.

Name: Ed Hawkins

E-Mail Address: [email protected]