Zealand Mountain, West Bond, Mt. Bond, Bondcliff via N to S traverse, 02/21/09


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Jan 29, 2007
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Zealand Mountain, Mt. Guyot, West Bond, Mt. Bond, Bondcliff via Zealand Road, Zealand Trail, Twinway, West Bond Spur, Bondcliff Trail, Wilderness Trail, Lincoln Woods Trail

Date of Hike: Saturday, February 21, 2009

Trail Conditions: Packed powder, powder, ice, frozen granular, rocks

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes


Zealand Road - has not been plowed since last snowstorm. Single file snowshoe/ski trail, was not yet barebootable this morning.

Zealand Trail - well packed, not yet barebootable. ***Moose attack warning*** Bull moose has attacked at least two people and a dog in the past two days on the trail, mainly between the boardwalks and A-Z junction.

Twinway to hut - well packed, not yet barebootable.

Twinway to Zealand Spur - was broken out ahead of time for us, parts drifting in. Zealand Spur sign will be burried with another 6" of snow. Zealand Spur Trail was hard to find as a result (remember it's a little bit past the height of land on the trail). Some blowdowns.

Twinway to Guyot - we broke this out, 1-2' of powder. Should be decently packed, though some portions were drifting. Some blowdowns.

Twinway and Bondcliff Trail from Guyot to West Bond Spur - we broke this out (above treeline portions were ice/bare). A few blowdowns.

West Bond Spur - we broke this out, 6-20" of powder. Should be decently packed, though there was some drifting. A few blowdowns.

Bondcliff Trail to Mt. Bond - we broken most of this out (caution, our tracks lead too far east at the first peak, but will lead you to the trail). Should be decently packed now.

Bondcliff Trail from Mt. Bond to Bondcliff - woods portions should be decently packed, though drifting. Ridge is mostly bare or ice. Kept snowshoes on, but it was a stretch (Micros would have been fine).

Bondcliff Trail from Bondcliff to Wilderness Trail - well packed, some blowdowns. Top two water crossings snow bridged, others easily crossed.

Wilderness Trail - well packed, some blowdowns.

Lincoln Woods Trail - well packed, barebootable.

Your name: rocket21

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