Best bushwack route up Lincoln/Lafayette

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Jan 21, 2004
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Burlington, Vermont
What do all you avid wackers think of a route up to the ridge (objective is the slide path between these peaks) beginning on the OBP, then following the ridge between the north and south branches of Walker Brook? As a skier, I am obviously looking for open terrain. What other suggestions might you have?
We bumped into a group of skiers heading up Old Bridal Path as we were descending a few weeks back, that mentioned that they ski up to just about the hut before breaking off trail and heading down some of those slides visible between Lafayette and Lincoln. Here's an article about 'Lincoln's Throat' from

not sure if it's helpful for what you want to do, but looks very cool...

You're talking about the west-aspect face, right (i.e. not the "Lincoln Slide" down into the Pemi)? Walker Brook drainage?

There are two cirques between Lafayette and Lincoln on the Walker Brook side, separated by a moderately high and rough ridge. These two bowls are drained by the two branches of Walker Brook.

South of these two areas, two more slides drain into the two branches of Dry Brook: one between Lincoln and Little Haystack, the other south of Little Haystack. (It's this southernmost drainage off Little Haystack that the Falling Waters trail descends.)

As a ski route, it's the southern Walker Brook ravine that is most interesting. This slide path is almost directly opposite the (Pemi) Lincoln Slide, which makes me wonder what about the geology and topography made two of the best slides form on either side of this narrow ridge.

I may have mentioned it before when you asked about these slides the last time, but I still think the best route for a ski-mountaineer to the 2nd Walker Brook Slide is up the drainage. Go in on the Old Bridle Path, diverge off to the brook at 2800' as you start to go up Walker Ridge ("the Agonies"). Ford the brook where practical -- I've done it a short distance above where the two branches join, which made for an easier crossing. From there, I bet you can find your way. ;)
Thank-you folks for your responses. Actually, I was talking about the East facing slide but did not realize Walker Brook had so much potential as a ski route. If I can convince my partners to do so, we will try that this coming Sunday!
I assume it still has enough snow
Yardsale, if you are talking about the Lincoln Pemi slide, I doubt you'll find it easier to skin up the Walker Brook dividing ridge to the crest than to go up OBP and drop in.

If you do head east, remember that it's even more committing than the west face routes -- technically easier skiing IMO, but it puts you down miles into the Pemi. Choices from there are camp, climb back up the slide (and if you're doing that, I wouldn't bushwhack down to Lincoln Brook from the slide bottom, just turn around), or tour out Lincoln Brook to the ranger station.

With Sunday's high temps, you will have to evaluate slushy sluff hazard on open steeps.

Best of luck. I didn't have a lightweight camera when I skied these routes, so I went without. Only way my trips could have been better is if I had taken pics! (hint, hint)
That slide on the west side of Lincoln looks interesting. Anyone know what it's like as a summer bushwack?
Lincolns Throat

Did it about three weeks ago. It is pretty sweet for skiing but be prepared b/c at the top of the slide there is some semi technical ice and you will def need 2 ice axes due to the steepness of the climb. It was nice have a good trip.