Cabot/Bulge/Horn 2-20-10

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Trail Conditions: Bunnell Notch/Kilkenny to Cabot about an inch or so of new snow on a well packed trail all the way to Cabot. Well after that we headed over to the Bulge & Horn there look like a packed path headed in the right direction at first but it ended and was headed in the wrong direction anyways, so back to the start of the trail, got out the map and compass and headed toward the Bulge. There was no sign of anyone being this way all winter and the blazes are far and few between so our track is maybe 50% on the trail and the rest is bushwacked. Looking at my GPS download it looks like we were too far east in the col between Cabot & the Bulge. We were on the trail I think most of the time from the Bulge to the Horn with a short trip up and back to the Horn we continued staying on and still packing the trail headed toward Unknown Pond Trail. At about a mile from Unknown Pond trail we came accross a fresh packed tracks coming from UPT what a great site that we didn't have to pack trail the rest of the way. Thank-You to the person(s) who came that way. We were back at the truck at 5 having started at 8.

Equiment: Snowshoes, since of adventure, MAP & COMPASS/ GPS

Comments: Beware if you follow are path that we were not always on the trail, but you will get there.One more winter peak to complete WNH48

Name: Ron & Cathy
[email protected]