Crawford Path 12/14

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New member
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Meredith New Hampshire
Trail Conditions: 4-6 inches of fresh snow quickly increasing to 10 inches plus above Gibbs Falls. Some wet spots in the trail were freezing over on descent as temps were dropping quickly. Persistent light snow and a couple of pretty good squalls indicate snow depths likely to increase

Equipment: I quickly changed from spikes to snowshoes and these were the footware of choice. While some like plodding along in a foot of fresh snow I found the snowshoes a blast..especially on descent.. Do wish I had remembered my poles though

Comments: changing plans cut into time today but it was good to get out for a few hours..Much more snow than I anticipated after leaving sunshine and bare ground in the lakes region. Turned around at around 3100 feet in a pretty good squall.. while I saw Hiker ed on the roads saw no one else on the trails today..

Crawford Connector lot and the Zealand winter lot were both plowed out