Franconia Ridge Loop, kinda 9/1-9/3

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Aug 23, 2005
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Millis, Mass; Avatar: My Office
Not really sure what else to call it... Thurs. 9/1 took a half a day, and flew up to Lincoln Woods with my dad, we got an excellent parking spot. We started around 2:30 and hiked in on the Osseo trail and set up camp somewhere not too far from the peak of Flume. There were no real great views yet. There was however a sign pointing to a huge bees nest right before the stairs on the way up Osseo. We passed without incident and did not see any bees. The next morning we hiked Flume (great views). It was the perfect day for a hike. We then moved on to Liberty where we started meeting other hikers. After taking a short break on Liberty we followed the Franconia Ridge trail over Little Haystack and Lincoln. I was putting much use to the new camera I picked up. It was almost perfect, just a little windy, nothing major. After we crested Lincoln, we followed the trail for a little longer, to just about the lowest point between Lincoln and Lafayette. At the trail head we had decided to try something my dad had done a few years back. We were going to bushwack from the slide between Lincoln and Lafayette to the Lincoln brook trail by Owl's Head.
We found the slide we wanted and begun to leave the Franconia Ridge trail around 3:00pm. Needless to say, the slide was MUCH steeper than my father remembered and since I'm sure not many people go this way it was all loose rock. It is very hard to slide down the loose rock and sand with a 30lb pack on your back and not killing yourself. It took us an hour to get to the bottom of the slide. Once at the bottom we followed the stream for a small ways. It quickly got choked with trees, and we were forced into the woods. We bushwacked through the thickest pines I've ever seen (or so it seemed) for two more hours. There was countless blowdowns that made the bushwacking quite difficult, at least with a big pack, and also we encountered a large marsh. By 6:00 we had come across a flat spot and decided to camp for the night. Our boots were soaked from the marshes, but at least there was plenty of water.
The next day we woke early. We continued on our bushwack for another hour and finally came to Lincoln Brook. We crossed the brook without too much incident and bushwacked more up to the Lincoln Brook trail. It wasn't too far, and we were both much relieved to finally be on a real trail. We followed the Lincoln Brook trail down towards the Owl's head trail, which no longer is marked by sign. Only a solitary large cairne marks the trail head. At the beginning of our trip we had made not of a sign that said the Fraconia Brook was uncrossable. So we decided to bushwack, again, from the Lincoln Brook trail to Franconia Falls. It wasn't all that bad of a bushwack, but at this point we were both tired of tree branches and mud. After a short break at Franconia Falls, we followed the boring old rail road out to Lincoln Woods to the car. All in all, it was a very interesting trip, and I do NOT recommend bushwacking from Franconia Ridge Trail to the Lincoln Brook trail.

For pics - CLICK HERE
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Hey, were you the two guys that we (Tuco and I) met at the Lincoln Brook crossing (the second small crossing south of the Owls Head path) at about 10am yesterday?

Congrats on finishing what sounds like a rather interesting trip.
We did meet two guys at a river crossing fairly early in the morning. We stopped and talked to them for a few minutes about the bushwack to Franconia Falls.

*Hope your trip up Owl's Head was good... thanks for the tips on the herd paths to Franconia Falls!
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